Jago Grahak Jago

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Which key regulatory requirements apply to Data Use?

The MoHFW, through the proposed DISHA, plans to set up a statutory body in the form of a national digital health authority for promoting and adopting: e-health standards; enforcing privacy and security measures for electronic health data; and regulating the storage and exchange of electronic health records. In addition, the National Digital Health Authority (NeHA) under MoHFW is a proposed authority that is intended to be responsible for the development of an integrated health information system in India. It is proposed to be a promotional, regulatory and standard-setting organisation to guide and support India’s journey with Digital Health and consequent realisation of benefits of ICT intervention in the health sector. It also spells out the proposed functions and governance mechanism of NeHA. DISHA is the legislation that seeks to formally establish NeHA and facilitate the online exchange of patient information with a view to prevent duplication of work and streamline resources.