Jago Grahak Jago

Register Complaint

    Complaint filing made easy by E-Daakhil
    An initiative of Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India

    On behalf of our team, I wish to extend our deep appreciation to all our encouraging supporters for their generous contributions to support our cause. Your contribution will go a long way in assisting us to process your complaint and help it meet its logical end.

    We also have an efficient and dynamic team of lawyers that are ready to help you incase your complaint involves any legalities. The cost of this will be decided based on the paper work and formalities involved and will be notified to you as the complaint progresses.

    Be Aware. Be Protected

    Prof. Bejon Kumar Misra
    Founder Trustee, Consumer Online Foundation
    Mobile: +919311044424 Email: bejonmisra@gmail.com