NPPA Revises PMRU Scheme, Rechristens As CAPPM Scheme

Mumbai, 10 Aug 2019:


In view of the changing scenario in the pharma sector and the recommendations of various committees including the Parliamentary Standing Committee, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has revised its Price Monitoring and Resource Units (PMRUs) scheme and has rechristened it as Consumer Awareness, Publicity and Price Monitoring (CAPPM) scheme. The PMRU scheme was started by the NPPA to monitor the prices of drugs.


The revised scheme will be implemented at the central level by the NPPA and at the State level by the registered societies of PMRUs.


The scheme will have two components viz., National component and State component. The national component covers the expenditure for publicity through print and electronic media, organizing seminars for consumer awareness, purchase of samples etc. Under the State Component of the Scheme, it is planned to set up PMRUs in the States. PMRU is a registered society under the Chairmanship of the State Drug Controller. The representatives of NPPA/State Health Department, civil societies and other stakeholders are members of the PMRU. PMRUs will be key collaborating partners of NPPA with information gathering mechanism at the grassroots level. PMRUs will also ensure that the benefits of the DPCO (revised from time to time) trickle down at the grassroots level.


The main objectives of the scheme are to disseminate message to the consumers and general public about ceiling prices of scheduled medicines notified by the government; permissible price increase for scheduled and non-scheduled medicines; availability of medicines at reasonable prices and promotion of generic medicines; precautions to be taken while purchasing medicines from chemists/retailers such as checking the MRP (which includes all taxes), manufacturing and expiry dates, price list of medicines, obtaining bill for the medicines bought, etc; requirement for prescription of medicines by their generic names also; price control and monitoring and enforcement activities of NPPA; ad lodging complaints to NPPA for any violation including violation of DPCO, 2013 as well as unethical practices in the pharma sector.


The scheme is expected to create general awareness about the availability of medicines, prices of medicines, ceiling prices of medicines fixed by the government, precaution to be taken while purchasing medicines and about the functioning of NPPA. This will improve the accessibility of quality medicines at a reasonable price to the common people of the country and facilitate both clinically effective and cost effective treatment. Pharmabiz