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ViiV Healthcare to present data from largest head-to-head randomised trial for 2-drug regimen Dovato against 3-drug regimen Biktarvy at AIDS Conference

July 17,2024

GSK plc announced that ViiV Healthcare, the global specialist HIV company majority owned by GSK, with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders, will be presenting the largest head-to-head, randomised clinical trial (RCT) of the 2-drug regimen Dovato (dolutegravir/lamivudine [DTG/3TC]) compared against the 3-drug regimen, Biktarvy (bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide [BIC/FTC/TAF]) at the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany (22 – 26 July). The presentation is one of 25 abstracts evaluating the company’s portfolio of marketed HIV treatment and prevention options alongside its next-generation pipeline assets.

Harmony P. Garges, M.D., chief medical officer at ViiV Healthcare, said: “The exciting findings we’ll be presenting at AIDS 2024 continue to underscore our position as industry leaders in the development of long-acting and 2-drug regimens and our pioneering approaches to both HIV treatment and prevention. People living with HIV continue to tell us they want more treatment options to allow for more personal choice to address needs beyond viral suppression. The breadth of the data we’re announcing, including the head-to-head study between Dovato and Biktarvy, helps individuals better understand those options. We’re proud to be at the forefront of innovative science, driving advancements that have and will continue to transform the future of HIV care and contribute to ending the epidemic.”

Key abstracts to be presented at AIDS 2024 by ViiV Healthcare and its study partners will include:

Head-to-head study comparing ViiV Healthcare’s oral 2-drug regimen against a commonly prescribed oral 3-drug regimen: The FSG-sponsored PASO-DOBLE head-to-head RCT of the 2-drug regimen Dovato (DTG/3TC) compared with the 3-drug regimen Biktarvy (BIC/FTC/TAF) will be presented as a late breaker abstract. The non-inferiority study assessed virologically suppressed adults on an established treatment regimen and who could benefit from treatment optimisation, who were randomised to switch to treatment with DTG/3TC or BIC/FTC/TAF. Researchers will share 48-week findings on treatment efficacy and safety, as well as changes in weight experienced by participants while taking either regimen.

Additional findings for DTG/3TC will include the DYAD study, presenting 48-week findings among virologically suppressed participants with no prior virologic failure who either switched to DTG/3TC or remained on BIC/FTC/TAF; and 96-week findings from the SOUND study, which followed virologically suppressed participants with unknown resistance history who switched from BIC/FTC/TAF to DTG/3TC.

Pregnancy data from the HPTN 084 open label extension study for Apretude: New findings will be presented from the HPTN 084 trial that assess the impact of cabotegravir long-acting (LA) for PrEP exposure during pregnancy. The study focuses on maternal, pregnancy, and infant safety outcomes among participants who became pregnant during the open label extension of HPTN 084 and continued with injections of cabotegravir LA for PrEP.

New pipeline data from ViiV Healthcare’s third generation INSTI: Researchers will share phase I findings from the first-time-in-human study of VH184, a third-generation integrase inhibitor (INSTI), along with analysis showing potent activity in vitro against multiple INSTI resistant mutations. This is the first data presentation of the company’s next INSTI as a part of its ultra long-acting development strategy.

Real-world evidence from long-acting treatment regimen: Findings from several real-world studies of the complete long-acting HIV treatment regimen cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA) will be presented, including the perspectives of people living with HIV 12 months after switching their treatment regimen to CAB+RPV LA from the BEYOND study; effectiveness, participant adherence to injections, and patient reported outcomes from the German cohort of the CARLOS study; and utilisation and effectiveness of CAB+RPV LA among virologically suppressed, treatment-experienced individuals from the COMBINE-2 study.

Dovato is indicated as a complete regimen to treat HIV-1 infection in adults with no antiretroviral (ARV) treatment history or to replace the current ARV regimen in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL) on a stable ARV regimen with no history of treatment failure and no known resistance to any component of Dovato.

Source: Pharmabiz