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India’s first hand transplant recovery supported by 3D printing innovation

Nov 06, 2024

Mumbai: 15-year-old Anamta Ahmad recently became the youngest person to undergo a shoulder-level hand transplant after a severe electric shock. Her recovery is being supported by a custom, biocompatible 3D-printed orthotic device designed to aid healing and minimize discomfort.

The device, created by Imaginarium, a multi-specialty digital manufacturing company, was specifically tailored for Anamta, helping her navigate the challenges of a complex recove1Y post-transplant. “Knowing I’m the first transplant patient with a custom 3D-printed brace is exciting,” she shared.

This breakthrough highlights the potential of additive manufacturing in healthcare, providing patient-specific solutions that improve outcomes in complex cases. The advance in personalised medical applications, such as custom surgical guides, implants, and orthotic devices, is paving the way for innovation in healthcare customisation.

Source: Economic Times