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Dhruv Jain

Dhruv Jain

The articles in The Aware Consumer are a very relevant topic today. I live in the USA, but make several trips to India every year and the experience at the pharmacy in both countries is very different. The lack of experience and formal education of pharmacists in India is a serious concern. They are unable to guide me on which medicines to buy and in many cases end up giving poor quality substitutes for the required drug. In the USA, the pharmacists take the time to ask your symptoms, consult with their co-workers and recommend medication accordingly. I am waiting to see this in India.

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Naina Mago

Naina Mago

Thanks to the Aware Consumer’s exemplary team for sharing the insights with respect to the dire need for an exclusive law for medical devices in our country. All the articles are very well researched and very informative. Many congratulations to the editor and publisher for such a master piece for informing consumers.

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Hrusikesh Panda)

Hrusikesh Panda

The Right to Repair edition is enlightening and empowering. The articles are not just informative but thought- provoking. I have gained some valuable insights into the importance of our right to repair the products we own. Indeed, there are critical issues surrounding electronic waste and the freedom to repair the things we buy. We should also demand our consumer rights and become advocates for the right to repair. What’s more, this right will enhance the employability and affordability towards the nextgeneration. I now feel motivated to make more conscious choices about the products I purchase. I appreciate the need for responsible consumption and environmental preservation. Kudos to the dedicated team behind this magazine for their outstanding work in promoting this vital cause. I highly recommend this magazine to anyone who is passionate about sustainability and consumer rights.

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Dr Ruchi

Dr Ruchi

India being a self-reliant country, has its own huge domestic market of medical equipment. With the government’s decision to import medical equipment, our Indian market is facing a huge financial crunch and so this decision is definitely not in our favour. Let us not be hypocrites and continue to be Atmanirbhar Bharat focusing on ‘Make in India’ . I am so pleased to read this masterpiece, The Aware Consumer, specially the articles shared by Prof Misra and Dr Anamika Wadhera. I want to congratulate the whole team for continued effort and standing for consumer awareness and empowerment.

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Ashok Madan

Ashok Madan

I would like to highlight the Group Medical Cover schemes of insurance companies. Once the employee retires or leaves, he is left in a lurch. He has no medical cover. At the point of retirement, the employee can’t take the requisite medical insurance cover as premiums are exorbitant. Please shed light on this issue in the future.

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Seyjal Jain

Seyjal Jain

I had a chance to read the articles on pharmacy practices in The Aware Consumer, December 2023 issue. It is a very important topic – many people are unable to do their own research on medications and need to be able to trust their healthcare providers when buying medications. If there is a no properly trained pharmacist at the pharmacy, then customers may receive the wrong medication and it can be very bad for their health. It is vital that these businesses are regulated.

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