Jago Grahak Jago

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Online filing of consumer complaints to become mandatory from April 2023

The Central government will make e-filing of consumer complaints mandatory from April 2023, said a senior official, adding that the move is also expected to help in faster redressal of the grievances.

Currently, people can file complaints before consumer commissions or courts, both in physically and online mode. The electronic filing (e-filing) option for consumer complaints was introduced on September 7, 2020.

Speaking to news agency PTI, a senior consumer affairs ministry official said, “Looking at the success of e-filing, we are going to make it mandatory from April 1, 2023, for all consumer commissions in the country.”

The mandatory e-filing of consumer complaints will also help people to register their issues directly without the help of a lawyer of his or their choice, according to the official.

He added that once the complaints are in the form of e-filings, it will facilitate speedier disposal of the cases.

There is a three-tier system to address consumer grievances. It starts with the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (DCDRF). At the state level, it is the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and at the national level, it is the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

The consumer affairs ministry has taken several measures to strengthen the infrastructure of consumer courts in the country to facilitate easy filing and early disposal of cases.

Earlier in September this year, the Delhi government announced that it is developing a mobile app to enable people to give suggestions and register their complaints regarding packaged commodities.

Delhi’s Food and Supplies minister Imran had said the people-friendly mobile app being developed by the department will help consumers to lodge their complaints and suggestions that will be addressed within 48 hours.

(With PTI inputs)

Source: Livemint.com