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Linking CGHS IDs with Ayushman Bharat Health Account IDs now mandatory from April 1

Starting April 1, the government has made it compulsory to connect the Central Government Health Scheme [CGS] beneficiary ID with the Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID.

In a press release, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced, “Existing beneficiaries must link their CGHS beneficiary ID with the ABHA ID within 30 days.

The linking of the CGHS beneficiary ID with the ABHA ID is aimed at creating digital health identification of CGHS beneficiaries and storing their digital health records. The integration of the IDs is expected to broaden the spectrum of hospital options available to patients as well.

The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) was started in 1954 with the objective of providing comprehensive health care to Central Government employees and pensioners and their dependent family members. Currently, more than 41 lakh beneficiaries in 75 cities are covered by this scheme. CGHS caters to the healthcare needs of eligible beneficiaries covering all four pillars of the democratic set-up in India, namely the Legislature, Judiciary, Executive and the media. CGHS is the model healthcare ..

Ayushman Bharat, also known as Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana (PMJAY), was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 23, 2018. This scheme offers coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakhs per family annually for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization.

To create national digital health ecosystem, the govt later launched Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission [ABDM] It aims to develop a platform enabling interoperability of health data within the health ecosystem to create longitudinal Electronic Health Record (EHR) of every citizen. ABHA is Unique Health Identifier as a random 14-digit number and may be issued digitally or in the form of a hardcopy. As on 24.01.2024, a total of 52,50,15,110 ABHA Numbers have been created.

Apr 02,2024

Source: Economic Times