WHO flags four challenges for global HIV response

JULY’16: With an aim to enhance its efforts to end AIDS, the World Health Organization (WHO) has flagged four key challenges - prevention, treatment, drug resistance and financing - for a sustainable response, as the international community meets at the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, from 18-22 July, 2016.
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General, WHO, has said that the enormous progress on HIV, particularly on treatment, is one of the big public health success stories of the century.  “But this is no time for complacency. If the world is to achieve its goal of ending AIDS by 2030, it must rapidly expand and intensify its efforts,” Chan added.
Globally, progress on HIV prevention has stalled. In 2015 there were 2.1 million new HIV infections – marginally fewer than the 2.2 million in 2010. In some regions, and among some groups, infections are rising. In some places where the epidemic had been under control, for example in some urban populations of men who have sex with men, it is re-emerging.
Since 2015, WHO has recommended that all people diagnosed with HIV start antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible to prevent illness and death. The uptake of WHO’s Treat All policy has been rapid. Implementation has been facilitated by recent dramatic improvements in ART being used – with one tablet a day, which is safe and well tolerated.
Treatment saves lives: AIDS-related deaths have fallen 45% since their peak in 2005 and 26% since 2010. Expanding HIV treatment also helps reduce transmission. As the level of the virus drops in a person, so does the risk of transmission.
WHO’s last report on HIV-related drug resistance (2004-2008) showed that 5% of people on ART were resistant to at least one antiretroviral drug. The Organization is monitoring the trends and notes worrisome indications that drug resistance is emerging as a more significant threat in some countries and populations.
The ever-expanding development agenda, changing donor priorities and continuing threats to the global economy all pose challenges to financing efforts to end AIDS. It will be important to ensure full replenishment of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in September.