In less than a month, nearly 54% of eligible teens are now fully enrolled
New Delhi, February 26, 2022:
In less than a month from 15 to 17 -year -olds to become eligible for a second Covaxin infection, every two adolescents are fully admitted to Delhi. As of Wednesday, 9,13,362 adolescents had been given the first dose of Covaxin and 5,44,861 the second dose.
The share of youths with primary illness is 90% of the 10.14 lakh beneficiaries in this group, according to the Registrar and Statistics Commissioner of India. According to this estimate, about 54% of these young people are now completely stable.
The group’s training began on Jan. 3, with more than 21,000 young people diagnosed with their first Covaxin injection. They became eligible for a second course from Jan. 31 after a 28 -day termination.
In the last two and a half months, the total number of booster shots served in the state capital was 4,07,887, while the total number of booster shots was close to 11 lakh. The beneficiaries include 3.8 lakh Delhiites aged 60 and over who have comorbidities, as well as 2.6 lakh health care providers and 4.4 lakh primary care workers, who have been receiving care skills since January. 10.
A Delhi government official said that despite the rapid pace of arrest of young people, district officials ensure that the remaining 11.1% of young people who do not have their first illness will be covered. However, while the youngsters have shown great interest in getting the kano, officials are sending SMS to make sure they take their holes on time, he said.
“Because the government is trying to cover 100% of all benefits, it is important that none of the 15-17 year olds are left out,” the official said. “Because registration cannot be required, private schools have been asked to help educate their students to come forward to have their disease,” he said.
The total number of grains served in the capital was 3,12,82,245, and earlier this month, Delhi was the only city to achieve the milestone of over 3 crore. cumulative vaccine doses against Covid-19. On 7 February, Delhi became 20th among the states and territories of the Union past the 3-crore mark.
Delhi was ahead of the financial capital Mumbai, which handled 2,00,65,281 tons, followed by Bengaluru which saw a total of 1,77,73,409 tons of rice served. The country’s other two metro cities – Chennai and Kolkata – are behind Delhi, with 98,92,089 and 95,65,463 tons of grain supplied. ET HealthWorld