Fake drugs a bitter pill for India

NEW DELHI - Two recent reports by international health organizations have highlighted the disquieting magnitude of the counterfeit drugs market in India.


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reckons that 75% of the world's total supply of fake drugs can be traced to India. The World Health Organization (WHO) pegs the figure at 35%.


Between 10 and 30% of all pharmaceuticals in developing countries are counterfeit, according to the 2006 WHO figures cited in the OECD report, which estimates that India is the biggest culprit in the spurious drugs market though other countries such as Egypt (7%) and China (6%) contribute to this menace. OECD asserts that counterfeiters include medical professionals such as pharmacists and physicians, organized crime syndicates, bogus pharmaceutical companies, corrupt officials and terrorist organizations.