FSSAI Enhances Surveillance, Sampling And Enforcement To Check Use Of Syrups In Honey

New Delhi, 25 Dec 2020:

FSSAI has issued a letter dated 18 Dec, 2020 reiterating the instruction issued earlier related to enhancing surveillance, sampling and enforcement to check the use of Golden Syrup, Invert Sugar Syrup or Rice Syrup in Honey.

In order to curb the misuse of Golden Syrup/Invert Sugar Syrup/Rice Syrup and to ensure the quality of Honey as per the standards prescribed under Sub regulation 2.8.3 of Food Safety and Standards Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, the FSSAI had requested Commissioners of Food Safety of all States/UTs to drect FSOs to carry out surveillance, sampling and inspection of the premises of honey manufacturers and processors, at regular intervals. The FSOs were required to carry out periodic inspections of the premises which are in their jurisdiction and also needed to submit the action report to the FSSAI’s regulatory compliance department.

Further, through the communiqué dated 20.05.2020, the FSSAI had also issued certain directions regarding issuance of import clearance of Golden Syrup/Invert Sugar Syrup/Rice Syrup so as to ensure compliance. The Authorised Officers are directed to carry out the clearance of Golden Syrup/ Invert Sugar/ Rice Syrup imports only after ensuring the necessary documents and fulfilment of other requirements of FSSAI had been met. Here too the Authorised Officers were asked to share details of the cleared imported assignments of Golden Syrup/ Invert Sugar/ Rice Syrup with the concerned Central Designated Officer to ensure compliance.

The FSSAI has now requested the Commissioner of Food Safety of all States/UTs to communicate for the details of surveillance, sampling and inspection-activities, undertaken by the FSOs, to FSSAI’s Regulatory Compliance Division, along with action taken report in cases of non-compliances by any Food Business Operators within 7 days.

The FSSAI has already prescribed the standards for honey in the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Ninth Amendment Regulation 2018 and after revisions these had been operationalised in October 2019. According to these Regulations the use of Golden Syrup/ Invert Sugar/ Rice Syrup in honey is an adulteration and is considered a regulatory offence under FSS Act, 2006.

Commissioner (Food Safety) and Director (PH),Medical & Health Services Rajasthan, Jaipur has also issued istructions to FSOs to carry out sampling of Honey and submit report to the directorate.DrugsControl Media Services