

Lakhs of drugs are being sold on the Internet every day, adding that some of the drugs or medicines contain narcotic and psychotropic substance and some can cause antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is a threat not only to the patient but to the humanity at large. Unlike consumer items, drugs are extremely potent substances and consuming wrong dose or fake medicine can have fatal consequences on the patient. As of now there is no mechanism to control the sale of medicines on Internet and this puts health and lives of people at a high risk. Read more on this, price cap exemptions, introduction of Healthcare Professions Bill and Germ Theory in Drug Laws and PSM India Capsules section.


Drug testing labs getting upgraded in Gujarat, Indian Pharma companies grabbing 290 final ANDA approvals from US FDA, Snapdeal in the dock for selling a schedule H drug online and a novel device to make blood testing pain free for diabetics, make for some interesting read under Pharma Injections and Drug Dopes.


Happenings in the health sector in India and around the world are reflected under National and Global Injections respectively.


We constantly endeavour not only to collate important information from the health and medicine world but also to create a connect with consumers all over. We welcome articles and write ups from our readers and are glad to feature them under the section titled Subscriber’s Symptoms. This issue features a contribution on how tamarind can protect against chikungunya. Mark your calendar with the upcoming events listed in our newsletter and remember to take your laughter dose in the end.


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Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.


Pooja Khaitan


The Prescription