Draft Of Standardized Patient Consent Form Presented By IMA, Law School
TRICHY, 19 JULY 2018: For long, the absence of a uniform template for getting patient consent for medical treatment has been causing confusion among doctors. Addressing the issue, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Trichy, Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association (TNOA) and National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru have jointly drafted a consent template and presented it at a seminar in Trichy. It is expected to become statutory after discussions, inputs, modifications and amendments.
Doctors say that the element of consent is a grey area since the law calls for a mere consent but doesn’t prescribe a particular form of consent as mandatory. Any confusion or risk of medical negligence could be avoided by following a uniform template for consent.
All patients have the legal right to autonomy and self-determination. A patient could refuse a treatment except during emergency situations when doctors don’t need to get a consent. A doctor who may go forward with the treatment without consent will be liable under the tort and criminal laws. The Medical Council of India (MCI) had come up with its own guidelines for consent which are required to be taken in writing before performing an operation.
Convener of the seminar, Dr J Terrence Jose Jerome, said that due to the non-availability of a uniform template, doctors had been resorting to various ways to get the consent of patients leading to panic among the medical community.
“Some try to get the consent of patients through video, while others get it in written form. As a result, there are doubts as to which one will prove to be a more solid evidence if an issue arises. Hence the model consent has been drafted in such a way that doctors of all specialties can use it,” Jerome, who is a hand and reconstructive microsurgeon, told TOI.
The ‘model consent’ template has suggested written consent as a preferable form. IMA Trichy joint secretary and neurosurgeon Dr S P Thirupathy said if a uniform model consent is followed, the court may not have much of a problem. “Some consent forms are of 30 pages and it’s tough for a patient to understand all of it. But if they are asked to give a video consent, it may cause unnecessary panic," he said.
During the seminar, SASTRA School of Law conducted a moot court narrating an imaginary medico-legal case. According to Sathish Prem of the school’s faculty, a hospital could make use of a public relations officer who could explain the treatment to the patient in his own language. This should be backed by a video recording. “If it’s done this way, the primary evidence would be backed by secondary evidence and could easily be submitted in court,” he said.
Details suggested by the model consent to be explained to the patients by the doctor. ET Healthworld