Demand For Separate Tribunal To Resolve Pharma Cases
New Delhi, 21 Dec 2018: Members of the Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association (IPCA) will ask the drug controlling authority to set up a separate tribunal for resolving legal cases pertaining to the industry.
The demand will be made during the 70th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC), which begin at Amity University in Noida on Friday. The event will end on December 23.
The conference, which is expected to host around 6,000 delegates from India and abroad, boasts 125 speakers associated with scientific innovation, successful entrepreneurs and others.
“We will demand the creation of a separate tribunal to deal with legal cases against the pharmaceutical industry, representation in the Drug Technical Advisory Board [DTAB] for small-scale companies that currently form 75% of the industry, and improved interaction with the industry before the DTAB issues its draft notices,” B.R. Sikri, managing director, ABS Group of Companies, and chairman of the local organising committee.
In a first, the conference will host a women’s forum panel discussion regarding creation of opportunities for women in the industry.The Hindu