Cut practice bill makes IMA see red

Pune, Nov 6, 2017:


The central and state chapters of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) have opposed the involvement of the Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) and imprisonment of doctors, if found guilty, under the upcoming Maharashtra Prevention of Cut Practice in Health Care Services Act, 2017.


The final draft for the Act, which aims to deter kickbacks in medical networks among doctors, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic laboratories and hospitals, had been submitted to the state government on October 30. According to the officials, the new Act will help curb the rampant practice of commissions in medical referrals across the state.


The state government had asked for suggestions from the public regarding the new Act. After the window for suggestions from the public closed, around 500 suggestions were received by the committee, of which 450 were received from hospitals and doctors across the state.


Dr Pravin Shingare, director, Medical Education and Research, said, “The final draft has been sent to the government and according to it, the Maharashtra ACB will have the authority to investigate allegations of money exchange, cuts, commissions or material gifts offered in exchange for referral of patients. The new Act will prohibit all healthcare service providers like hospitals, doctors, pharma companies, diagnostic labs, maternity homes, dispensaries and clinics from demanding or accepting gratification through these means. According to the draft, the punishment ranges from a fine of Rs 50,000 to imprisonment up to three years. Earlier, we decided to have an imprisonment of five years, but after the demand of some people, it was brought down to three. The draft has been sent to the government and then forwarded to the legal judiciary and the Assembly for final approval.”


Dr K K Aggarwal, national president, IMA, said, “The judgement of a professional misconduct or cut can only be decided by the Medical Council of India (MCI). If the council decides there is a professional misconduct, then it can be sent to further punishment, but the police cannot decide whether there is a professional misconduct. We need to decide what constitutes a cut. That cannot be decided by either the police or the judiciary. It can only be decided by the council. The council is clear that any service that is transparent and has legal responsibility is not a cut. The government should come up and define what acut is. There are already existing laws that are applicable, but the government is putting out new laws. Unfortunately, there has been no discussion from the government’s side with IMA regarding this.”


Health activist Anant Phadke, co-convener of the Maharashtra chapter of the Jan Swarthy Abhigyan, a non governmental organisation, said, “At present, there is no law for the cut practice and so, no action can be taken according to it. There are many charitable hospitals and corporate hospitals managed by non-medicos and doctors. The council has power to take action against the doctors who have to abide by the MCI rules, but not against the non-medicos. If the cut practice is done by non-medicos, the MCI cannot do anything against them. A majority of hospitals now are owned and run by non-doctors and the new law will help curb the malpractice. Implementation of the law is a vital part of the act and the government also should make it a point towards implementation of the law.”