CDRI Expands Serological Survey to State Levels in UP
Lucknow, September 26, 2021:
The CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute extends serological testing of antibodies to the new coronavirus to Uttar Pradesh levels.
The institute urges the government to provide more Covid samples so that the study can be conducted at the state level.
The institute conducted a serum survey of its employees last year and found that about 6% had an infection at some point, but recovered without even knowing they had the virus.
Professor Tapas Kundu, director of CDRI, said: sample. “
He said the institute also developed a unique RT-PCR kit for which fluorophores were developed in the institute.
The institute also conducts whole-genome analysis of virus strains from hundreds of patients at the request of the state government.
He added that these studies helped analyze the spread of various SARS-Cov2 strains in the state.
“With the new viral infection in mind, the CDRI, under the guidance of Prime Minister Yogia Ditianas, who encouraged Abdulkalam Institute of Technology (AKTU) and King George Medical College (KGMU),” is an outstanding unit in viral research and treatment. Was established. Working with CDRI on this initiative, “he added. ETHealthWorld