Assam Pharmacy Council Mandates Refresher Course For Registered Pharmacists To Renew Certificates
Chennai, 22 Jan 2019: In compliance to the provisions of Pharmacy Practice Regulations 2015 introduced by the PCI, the Assam Pharmacy Council (APC) has decided to start compulsory Refresher Course (RC) for the registered pharmacists in the state.
PPR 2015 mandates refresher course for pharmacists for renewal of their registration with the state councils. As per the regulation, every working and non-working pharmacist should attend the two-day course which will enable them update the developments in the pharmacy profession and practice.
According to Bhupan Das, the Registrar and Secretary of APC, within two weeks of starting the training program, 60 pharmacists have been updated with the developments as per the syllabus provided by the central pharmacy council. The course helps to upgrade the knowledge and skill of the professionals. He said APC is following strict rules in conducting the RC, and renewal will be difficult for those who do not attend the program.
While speaking to Pharmabiz, the registrar said for conducting the refresher course, APC has reached an agreement with the Assam Registered Pharmacists Association (ARPA) which will organise the classes in each district. All the 9000 registered pharmacists in Assam are members of ARPA. The organisation will select the venue and invite resource persons for the class. APC will meet the expenses required for the program. All over Assam, 33 revenue districts are there and the course will be conducted in a place at the headquarters.
When asked about appointment of pharmacy inspectors, he said the council has written to the state government for approval and hopes that the government will give a positive nod very soon. He claimed that Assam was a state where in Drugs and Cosmetics Act and pharmacy act were being implemented strictly and strict enforcement was followed always.
This RC is part of the Continuous Pharmacy Education (CEP) program which is conducted on the direction of the state government following PCI regulations. Within one year we will complete the training program for all the nine thousand registered pharmacists. The syllabus is very comprehensive and contains the latest subjects in the pharmacy profession and practice sector, said Bhupan.
"This RC is part of the Continuous Pharmacy Education (CEP) program which is conducted on the direction of the state government following PCI regulations. Within one year we will complete the training program for all the nine thousand registered pharmacísts. The syllabus is very comprehensive and contains the latest subjects in the pharmacy profession and practice sector", said Bhupan.
Regulation number 4.2 mandates attendance of refresher course for every registered pharmacist for renewal of their certificates. One pharmacist must attend a minimum of one refresher course in five years. The course will be conducted by state pharmacy councils or professional bodied recognized by PCI. Pharmabiz