Parliamentary panel asks DoP to share details of PMBJP expansion and fund utilisation
New Delhi, August 24, 2022:
The Parliamentary Panel which has looked into the Demand for Grants of the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) for the year 2022-23 has sought the Department to share the steps taken to achieve the target of opening 10,000 stores by March, 2024 under the PradhanMantriBhartiyaJanaushadhiPariyojana (PMBJP) and the details of the utilisations of funds allocated for the current fiscal year.
The Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee (DRSC) on Chemicals and Fertilisers, in an action taken report on its previous recommendations on the Demands for Grants 2022-23 of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers (Department of Pharmaceuticals), observed that there is a shortfall of Rs. 27.50 crore in the budgetary allocation for the PMBJP as against the proposal of Rs. 100 crore during the year 2022-23.
The budgetary allocation for the year is of Rs. 72.50 crore. Under this Scheme, a target has been fixed to open new 1000 Kendras and enhance the product basket upto 1,800 medicines and 280 surgicals during the year 2022-23. Further, a sale target of Rs. 775 crore has also been prescribed for the year.
“Thus there is a shortfall of Rs. 27.50 crore and the Department has submitted that at RE stage the matter would be taken up with the Ministry of Finance for allocation of the remaining amount,” said the Committee in its latest report.
“The Committee further note that the target to set up 10,000 stores by March, 2024 has been set by the government. The Committee, therefore, desire to know about the utilisation of funds out of the allocated amount of Rs. 72.50 crore so far and steps taken for achievement of the target for opening 10,000 stores,” it recommended.
In its reply to the previous recommendations of the Committee related to the PMBJP, the DoP has said that the government has set up a target to open 10,000 stores by March, 2024.
“This will imply about one store for a population of 1.50 lakhs. The Kendras have been opened in all districts of the country. Now the government intends to reach all the blocks, with more stress towards aspirational districts, North East areas, hilly and island territories. However, financial viability of individual Kendra is also required to be taken into consideration, while expanding the scheme,” said the Department in its reply to the Committee.
During the financial year 2022-23, a target has been fixed to open about 1,000 new Kendras with cumulative total to about 9,300 Kendras and to enhance the product basket up to 1,800 medicines and 280 surgicals. The Recommendation of the Committee for allocation of additional funds has been sent to the Ministry of Finance on 26.05.2022 for necessary action. Department will approach the Ministry of Finance at RE stage 2022-23 for allocation of additional funds, it added.
According to the monthly summary report of the DoP for the month of July, the Department has added 45 more PMBJP Kendra’s during the month, to take the total number of Kendras to 8,787 as on July 31, 2022. The PMBJP’s sale at maximum retail price value was around Rs. 101.42 crore, and it has lead to a saving of Rs. 609 crore to the common man during the month.
It currently has 1,616 medicines and 250 surgicals under its product basket. It also sold 67 lakh Sunidhi sanitary napkins at Re. 1 per pad during the month, and the incentive provided during the month is around Rs. 1.34 crore.Pharmabiz