One should drink water on an empty stomach
Article contributed by subscriber: Ms. Anju Achenkunju, Thiruvananthapuram
We usually drink water whenever we feel thirsty or after having a meal or something spicy. However, most of us do not know that drinking water on an empty stomach is as good as it can cure almost all health related problems in our body. The best way to quench your thirst is drinking water.
Generally we drink water in order to maintain the fluid balance in our body and it’s essential. But drinking water on an empty stomach helps in numerous ways; one can stay healthy.
Some benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach:
Clears bowels
One should drink water regularly on an empty stomach as it helps clean out the accumulated sludge of digestive tract and clears your bowels.
Releases Toxins from the Body
Drinking more water helps you go the washroom frequently so when you drink water you are detoxifying yourself as the toxins get expelled out from your body. The more water you drink the more cleansed your body will be. It also helps reduce bloating.
Prevents migraine attacks
One of the reasons people get migraine and headaches is because of Dehydration. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can help you get rid of headaches and migraine attacks. It also helps in keeping oral or dental problems away.
Increases Energy
If you are feeling tired and sluggish you should drink a glass of water. Drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates your red blood cells to grow faster. More red blood cells results in more oxygen in your blood and finally you will have more energy.
Helps weight loss
Drinking water on an empty stomach can help you lose more weight as it has no calories and drinking it at regular intervals helps in keeping your stomach occupied.
Boosts Your Immune System
Water is very important for one’s overall health and wellness. Drinking water on an empty stomach regularly can help recover your immune system. When your immune system is healthy and active you will get sick less because you can fight against infections.