Warm Greetings on yet another edition of The Prescription!



High risk medicines are those medicines that have a high risk of causing significant patient harm or death when used in error. These medicines are available freely in the market without any caution to consumers. In a move to enhance consumer awareness and accountability of pharma companies, the health ministry has made it mandatory for high-risk medicines to carry warnings prominently on drug packs from November 1. Read more on this under PSM India Capsules.


The Government is pressing forward in launching various regulatory policies for the benefit of patients while also launching operations to crack down on illegal manufacturing and import of drugs, especially oxytocin. They are planning regulations for medical devices, amending Drug Schedules to curtail misleading ads, while reconstituting the drug technical advisory board. Catch up with all such drug laws and policies around us under Drug Laws and Policy Injections.


This issue of The Prescription highlights the root cause of the much talked about Nipah infection and the claims by Serum Institute that they can develop the vaccine to fight Nipah if the government asks them to. Read these interesting articles under Pharma and Drug Dopes section.


We constantly endeavour not only to collate important information from the health and medicine world but also to create a connect with consumers all over. We welcome articles and write ups from our readers and are glad to feature them under the section titled Subscriber’s Symptoms. This issue features a contribution by Professor B.N. Srivastav on a mechanism to end the menace of fake medicines.


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Feedback is what keeps us going. Should you have any query or question, please feel free to get in touch with us. Write to me on pooja@patientsafetyaccess.org


Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.


Pooja Mishra Khaitan


The Prescription