COVID-19 Promotes Peritoneal Dialysis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

New Delhi, July 28, 2021:


India has about 200,000 rupees of kidney disease and requires about 34 million dialysis sessions each year. The lives of patients with diabetes and kidney disease are confused due to pandemics, especially hemodialysis patients need to visit hospitals frequently for dialysis, and most of them choose peritoneal dialysis. Please let your doctor know.

A recent Kidney International Report conducted a study to determine the impact of blockades on the care of patients with kidney disease. Approximately 710 (28.2%) patients missed one or more dialysis sessions, 69 (2.74%) required emergency dialysis sessions, 104 (4.13%) stopped reporting dialysis, and 9 (9) 0.36%) was confirmed dead. Outpatient visits to the hospitals surveyed decreased by 92.3% and inpatient services decreased by 61%. Remote consultation was initiated, but only a few patients were accessed.


Doctors have shown that the second wave of pandemics has had a worse impact on the care of patients with non-communicable diseases, including those suffering from kidney-related illnesses. Many patients are currently being treated with home peritoneal dialysis (PD). This is a way to get rid of waste products from your blood when your kidneys aren’t functioning well. This procedure filters blood in a different way than the more common blood filtration procedure called hemodialysis.


To elucidate the benefits of peritoneal dialysis (PD), AK Bhalla Chairman and Nephrology HO Department of Sagangalam Hospital said: We understand that dialysis remains a challenge and is difficult to access for many patients, especially those living in remote rural areas. PD makes it easy. Advances in internet equipment and the application of the latest technology enable remote patient management (RPM) to easily check the condition of patients undergoing PD at home, which is necessary because the patient’s illness and treatment can be monitored daily. You can make changes. If necessary, check the treatment data on the prescription and warn with a programmable flag if problems occur. “


In addition, Dr. Sagar Gupta, Kidney Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Consultant and HOD at Metro Hospital, said: For patients with kidney disease, home-based and cost-effective PD therapy allows nephrologists to treat patients with kidney disease from home comfort without compromising financial conditions, resulting in COVID-19 and other infections during hospitalization. You can protect your patients from such risks. This advance will allow patients to take advantage of the value-added benefits of painless, home-based and cost-effective treatments. “


Doctors also said that despite the potential benefits of PD, its penetration into the country is very poor. According to reports, there were approximately 8,500 PD patients in India in 2019. ET Health World