Ayush Protocol For Covid-19 Based On Empirical Evidence

NEW DELHI, 10 OCT 2020: 

The government countered the Indian Medical Association's criticism of the Centre's Ayush protocol for Covid-19 management, saying the advice was based on Ayurveda and yoga after considering "empirical evidences and biological plausibility" as well as emerging trends from ongoing clinical trials.

The health ministry said the protocol has been recommended in addition to the standard treatment protocol for Covid-19 issued by the government and that health minister Harsh Vardhan had not suggested that clinical approaches to the disease be ignored.

The comment came in the wake of IMA questioning Vardhan's move to promote alternative medicines and yoga for management of Covid-19. Earlier this week, he released the Ayush protocol which promotes use of ashwagandha, guduchi, pippali, Ayush 64 tablets in different doses, and yoga to prevent disease progression among asymptomatic to symptomatic and severe forms and to improve recovery rate.

"The protocol underlines that the recommended formulations are in addition to standard approaches of care and prevention.This is not a replacement for the allopathic treatment protocol advised by the health ministry," a senior official said.

However, the IMA had in a statement asked Vardhan whether the proponents of this claim and his ministry were prepared to subject themselves as volunteers to an independent, prospective double-blind control study. The Times Of India