Jago Grahak Jago

Prof Bejon Kumar Misra: Global Access to Indigenous Medicine as an Option

Patients Globally Seek Accessibility to Indigenous Alternative Medicine Systems as an Option to Stay Healthy

By Prof. Bejon Kumar Misra, Former Board Member International Alliance of Patients’ Organisations (IAPO), New Delhi, INDIA.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused immense disruption to our social and working lives. As we battle through these challenging times, we are being confronted with increasing questions and views as to how this pandemic will impact the healthy citizens and asymptomatic carriers. Of those of us that get symptomatic, it appears that we’re shedding significant virus in our oropharyngeal compartment, probably up to 48 hours before we show symptoms. Thus it explains how rapidly this virus continues to spread across the country because we have asymptomatic transmitters.

Enhancing the body’s natural defence system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. While there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now, the Indian Government’s Ministry of AYUSH recommended self-care guidelines for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health. These guidelines were supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications, which initiated an
International Seminar on AYUSH from 27th April to 2nd May 2020 organised by the members of IAPO. The seminar brought out a NINE POINT MAHAMANA DECLARATIONS on “The Role of indigenous alternative medicine
systems in India, Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (abbreviated as AYUSH) in fight against Corona Virus globally”. The focus was on how to access indigenous alternative medicine systems AYUSH to lessen morbidity and mortality in 1.39 Billion consumers in India. Several suggestions were proposed to upgrade the capacity and adopt four-prong strategy on preventive interventions, novel scientific studies to prepare drug/ nanoparticles against SARS-CoV-2, Immunity by improving our immune system by daily intake of immune boosters viz., Gudhuchi kwatha, Chyavanprasha, Tulsi, Parijata, Chirayita, Turmeric powder, Zinger, Lemmon etc. and finally Up-scaling and marketing of plants with their medicinal value through Plant Tissue Culture strategies and
technology transfer.

The holistic approach of AYUSH systems of medicine focuses on prevention through lifestyle modification, dietary management, prophylactic interventions for improving the immunity and simple remedies based on presentations of the symptoms. For instance, emphasis on avoidance of causative factors and enhancing the immunity against host of infections are characteristics of Ayurveda management. The preventive aspect of Homoeopathy is well known, and historically, Homoeopathy has reportedly been used for prevention during the epidemics of Cholera, Spanish Influenza, Yellow fever, Scarlet fever, Diphtheria, Typhoid etc.