breadth of natural treatment options

Naturopathy is a system of healthcare with a deep history of traditional philosophies and practices, medically trained practitioners and a breadth of natural treatment options to serve patients.
The naturopathic principles taught in most countries include
- First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
- Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae)
- Treat the Cause (tollecausam)
- Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum)
- Doctor as Teacher (docere)
- Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- Wellness
The naturopathic modalities or therapies used around the world vary by country. Some of the most common naturopathic modalities include
- Clinical Nutrition
- Botanical Medicine (Herbalism)
- Homeopathic Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture
- Physical Medicine
- Hydrotherapy – Water Cure
- Prevention and Lifestyle Counselling
- Hygiene Therapy
- Nature Cure
Naturopathic practitioners use many different treatment approaches.
Examples include

- Dietary and lifestyle changes
- Stress reduction
- Herbs and other dietary supplements
- Homeopathy
- Manipulative therapies
- Exercise therapy
- Practitioner-guided detoxification
- Psychotherapy and counseling
- Some practitioners use other methods as well or, if appropriate, may refer patients to conventional health care providers.