We thank you for extending your support by donating into our CORPUS FUND to sustain our activities

Bank Details
Bank Address: Greater Kailash, New Delhi – 110048
Bank Account Name: Consumer Online Foundation
Account Number: 00960-20000-1095
Pan Number: AAATC7779G
Swift Code: BARBINBB
Consumer Online Foundation: B-306, 1st Floor
C.R. Park, New Delhi -110019
Your generous donation will enable us to sustain our activities and motivate our team to perform in the manner you desire from them to uphold your rights and empower consumers.
Our founder, Prof. Bejon Kumar Misra, a well-known International Consumer Policy Expert, has dedicated 40+years to the consumer movement in India and globally. He has diligently moved forward in empowering the voiceless consumers on their rights and responsibilities, worked on various policy issues, including amending existing laws and regulations, proposing new laws and regulations as per global best practices/standards in the interests of the consumers in India and globally, without any discrimination.
It has been a very satisfying journey for us right from the very first day we started extending our services to the consumers. As of date, we have resolved more than a million consumer complaints through various platforms and our membership is growing every day.
We humbly request you to kindly register with us and donate a token amount every year or subscribe to our magazine ‘The Aware Consumer’, as a contribution for the activities we undertake around the year. This will enable us to pay back to the society with your support and cooperation.
We thank you for considering us worthy enough to provide you with regular information to make you feel protected and empowered. We assure you of our best services and efforts to build aware consumers like you globally. Our team works with only one motive…….to get the smile back on your face, which you deserve for your hard-earned money!
Team, Consumer Online Foundation
The only ISO 9001:2015 certified in India on
Consumer Complaint Redressal Services
An Aware Consumer is a Protected Consumer