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Welcome to yet another most pleasant Reading of our newsletter.
It is always my privilege to reach you on 1st & 17th of every month, since the last 11 years. Please do not hesitate to share your comments on this edition to enable us to constantly improve. Please feel free to get in touch with us. You may find our previous issues on our website jagograhakjago.com or in the NEWS ARCHIVE section of every issue of The Prescription, in case you’ve missed any of them. You may also look us up on Facebook.
Stay Healthy. Stay Protected.
Pyush Misra
“Today, people from different countries of the world are coming to India for treatment in large numbers. With an aim to further boost medical tourism, the Government of India has launched ‘Heal in India’ program under the leadership of the PM. Similarly, we have started the ‘Heal by India’ program. This will provide an opportunity for our medical workforce to travel all over the world and contribute towards a healthy global society,”
Mansukh Mandaviya
Union Health Minister
Govt of India

Patient Safety Capsules
Government of India has established a Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)
The Government of India has established a Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) at https://www.pgportal.gov.in. This is a tool that people can easily use to highlight the problems they face while dealing with government officials or departments like..
Development of policy and regulation important for growth of home healthcare industry: Expert
New Delhi, June 14, 2022 : With an aim to boost the highest standards of drugs for use in humans and animals, the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is all set to release Indian Pharmacopoeia 2022 on July 1, 2022. The IP 2022 will have 92 new monographs, 21 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and 27 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
CDSCO issues medical device alert on Medtronic’s certain batches of auto suture circular staplerNew Delhi, June 16, 2022: The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) has issued an alert notice on US medical technology major Medtronic’s DST series EEA auto suture circular stapler and loading unit with DST Series technology stapler used in open and laparoscopic surgeries as a glitch could result in various adverse impacts to the patients.
CDSCO declares 41 samples out of 1,233 tested in May as not of standard quality New Delhi, June 14, 2022: The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) has declared 41 samples it collected during the month of May as not of standard quality, including batches manufactured by Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Synokem Pharmaceuticals, among others.
Centre issues draft Rule to mandate barcode on label of top 300 brands of drugs from May, 2023New Delhi, June 17, 2022: Centre has issued a draft Rule amending a certain rule in the Drugs Rules, 1945, for mandating Barcode or Quick Response (QR) code on the label of top 300 brand of drugs from May 1, 2023.
Parliamentary panel calls for rules and guidelines for e-Pharmacy SectorNew Delhi, June 17, 2022: Expressing its displeasure on the delay in finalising the e-Pharmacy Rules to control the online pharmacies in the country, the Department related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce has recommended the draft of the e-pharmacy rules the Centre has published almost four years back to be finalised and implemented at the earliest.
Corbevax gets nod from DGCI as heterologous Covid-19 boosterJune 5, 2022: Biological E’s corbevax has become the first vaccine in India to get regulatory approval for a heterologous Covid-19 booster shot. People who are 18 years and above and have already taken two doses of either Covishield or Covaxin can now receive a dose of Corbevax as a heterologous Covid-19 booster.
DDMA allows only ICMR certified labs to collect Covid-19 samplesJune 6, 2022: The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has directed that only ICMR-licensed labs can collect COVID-19 samples. According to an order issued by a Delhi High Court on May 31st, all labs should ensure that their collectors must take all biosafety and biosecurity precautions, including the BioMedical Waste Management Rules, while collecting the samples.
Pharma Injections
Indian pharma gives impetus to technology as it propels efficiency in supply chain and inventory trackingBengaluru, June 14, 2022: Indian pharma is giving an impetus to digital technology. The sector covering research, manufacture and retailing sees technology to propel efficiency across its gamut of services.
NPPA floats fresh EoI for the proposed project to track availability of essential drugsNew Delhi, June 15, 2022: The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority's (NPPA) has restarted its efforts to track the availability of essential drugs across the country with an Expression of Interest (EoI) with schedule to open the bids from eligible agencies on July 4, 2022.
Mexico looking for India to procure essential drugs Mumbai, June 15, 2022: The Mexican government is looking for Indian drug exporters having Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificates from stringent regulatory authorities in the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada and Australia to procure essential drugs.
Indian pharma investing in technology to detect pharmaceutical residues at low thresholds Bengaluru, June 15, 2022: Indian pharma is investing in technology to detect pharmaceutical residues at extremely low thresholds. This is because pollution may increase if essential checks and balances are not implemented.
Industry urges IPC to retain DT time of 60 minutes in general monograph of soft gelatin capsules Mumbai, June 13, 2022: The drug industry has urged Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) to retain disintegration (DT) time of 60 mi-nutes in general monograph of soft gelatin capsules and include the stringent limit of 30 minutes in individual monographs.
ICMR set to develop centres for phase I clinical trial umbai, June 13, 2022: With an aim to improve therapeutic regimens and ensure advancement in medical practice that is evidence based, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is set to develop centres for phase I clinical trial consisting of medical institutes across the country.
Drug Dopes
Govt level interaction necessary to promote Siddha system in neighbouring countrieshennai, June 13, 2022: Associations of Siddha practitioners should come together on a common platform to apprise the Government of India for interacting with neighbouring countries to support the Siddha system through recognition of qualification and promotion of practice.
Concerned over rise of infectious diseases, US FDA issues draft norms on anti-bacterial therapiesBengaluru, June 13, 2022: Concerned over the rise of infectious diseases which cover the coronavirus disease and tuberculosis among others, the US FDA has issued draft norms on antibacterial therapies to put in place a system of treatment. The regulator awaits its comments and suggestions by July end, 2022.
IISc develops self-regulating footwear for diabetics Bengaluru, June 16, 2022: The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Department of Mechanical Engineering, in association with the Karnataka Institute of Endocrinology and Research (KIER), has developed a set of self-regulating footwear for diabetic.
After India, more than 150 NGOs call for TRIPS waiver for all Covid-19 medical products Mumbai, June 16, 2022: Close on the heels of India’s call for inclusion of therapeutics and diagnostics as part of the TRIPS waiver for Covid-19 medical tools, more than 150 civil society organizations (CSOs) from various countries including India have called on all trade ministers at World Trade Organization (WTO) to negotiate an effective and meaningful TRIPS waiver that covers all major intellectual property rights on all Covid-19 medical products for all people.
WHO urges eligible people to make regular, voluntary, unpaid blood donations PTI, June 13, 2022: On the eve of World Blood Donor Day, the WHO on Monday urged eligible people in countries in its South-East Asia Region and across the world to join the effort to save lives, improve health and advance health equity by making regular, voluntary, unpaid blood donations.
People lowering guard, vacation season behind spike in COVID-19 cases in Delhi: ExpertsJune 10, 2022: Experts said people lowering their guard and vacation period are the main reasons behind the recent increase in coronavirus cases in the national capital. Delhi logged 622 fresh COVID-19 cases and two deaths on Thursday, while the positivity rate rose to 3.17 per cent, according to data shared by the city health department.
National Injections
Karnataka govt appoints Returning Officer for holding State Pharmacy Council elections Bengaluru, June 17, 2022: On repeated request of Karnataka State Pharmacy Council (KSPC), the Government of Karnataka has appointed Returning Officer for holding the State Pharmacy Council elections.
Impcops to boost sales through ‘Khadi Kraft’ & to sign MoU with govt for supply of medicines to PHCs: Dr R KannanChennai, June 16, 2022: The president of the Chennai based multi-state cooperative society of ASU medicines, Impcops, hopes that it can improve sales and boost revenue through marketing across south India in another 2 to 3 years.
IPGA to hold a 2-day deliberation on regulatory regime for medical devices from July 2 in Hyderabad Hyderabad, June 14, 2022: Hyderabad, the fastest growing pharmaceutical and medical devices hub in the country, will witness a two-day national level deliberation on regulatory regime for medical devices in India, Medical Devices Rules 2017 and the role of regulatory officers in controlling the medical instruments and apparatus, from July 2 to 3. 
Industry urges RBI to issue instructions to banks to realize export proceeds in Indian rupees from Sri Lanka Bank Mumbai, June 17, 2022: The drug industry has urged the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to issue notification directing Indian banks to issue an agreement to exporters for realizing export proceeds in Indian rupees from Sri Lanka Bank as part of one billion US Dollar Line of Credit. 
All existing COVID-19 protocols will be followed in schools: Tamil Nadu health minister June 12, 2022: Tamil Nadu has not relaxed the COVID-19 protocols when compared to other states and with the surge in new infections, all the existing standard operating procedures will be followed in schools with educational institutions set to reopen on Monday after being shut for summer vacation, Tamil Nadu Minister Ma Subramanian said. 
NTAGI to discuss allowing Corbevax as booster for those vaccinated with Covishield, Covaxin: Sources June 7, 2022: Allowing Biological E’s Corbevax as a booster for those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with either Covishield or Covaxin and reducing the gap between the second dose and the precaution dose of the vaccines to six months are among the issues likely to be discussed at a meeting of the NTAGI to be held soon. The advisory panel may also review the data of the vaccines for the 5-12 age group. 
Global Injections
FDA Panel Votes Unanimously for COVID Shots for Youngest KidsJune 15, 2022: The benefits to America’s youngest children from COVID-19 vaccines far outweigh the negatives, an outside group of FDA advisors said Wednesday.
‘Forever Chemicals’ Pose Bigger Health Risk Than First Thought: EPAJune 16, 2022: It turns out that those so-called “forever chemicals” are worse for human health than previously thought, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said this week.
Food Allergy Test Breakthrough: Less Risk, More Useful Results
June 16, 2022: What would you do if you believed you had a serious health issue, but the best way to find out for sure might kill you? That’s the reality for patients who wish to confirm or rule out a food allergy, says Sindy Tang, PhD, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Stanford University in California.
Paolo Macchiarini: Surgeon convicted for fatal Swedish transplants
June 17, 2022: A Swedish court has given a disgraced Italian surgeon a suspended sentence for causing bodily harm during an experimental stem-cell windpipe transplant. Paolo Macchiarini, once seen as a pioneering transplant surgeon, was cleared of two charges of assault.
Thailand legalises cannabis trade but discourages personal use
June 14, 2022: People in Thailand can now grow cannabis plants at home and sell the crop after the nation removed ma-rijuana from its banned narcotics list. The nation is the first to advance such a move in South-East Asia, a region known for its stringent drug laws.
Canada mulls putting warnings on each cigarette
June 11, 2022: Canada's government is proposing putting health warnings on individual cigarettes in what would be a world-first way of tackling the habit. Mental Health and Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett said she hoped the measure would help reach more people.
We are able to predict pandemic based on changes in virus, other signals: Bharat Biotech founder
New Delhi, June 16, 2022: Covaxin maker Bharat Biotech founder on Thursday said that his company is now able to predict a pandemic based on changes in virus and related signals.
Is India staring at dengue outbreak? Ahead of Monsoon, Telangana issues alert
June 14, 2022: As India sees yet another spike in Covid-19 cases, there is a gradual fear spreading amongst the public, of another deadly disease gripping the country in coming days. Telangana’s health department has recently asked the public to be wary of a possible dengue outbreak, especially in greater Hyderabad. Yes, it’s that time of the year when dengue is back at rearing its ugly head.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check the panic: All you need to know about panic attacks
A panic attack occurs because of sudden, brief feelings of fear and strong physical reactions in response to ordinary, non-threatening situations. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and muscle tension. Panic attacks occur frequently and unexpectedly and are often not related to any external threat. They also occur in people with other psychiatric disorders (such as depression). Some panic attacks occur in response to a specific situation. Read More>>>
Air pollution linked to higher risk of severe COVID-19: Study
June 12, 2022: Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with a greater risk of severe COVID-19, according to a study con-ducted in Germany. The study, presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in Milan, Italy from June 4-6, found that people living in counties with higher nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels were more likely to need ICU care and mechanical ventilation if they had COVID-19.
Consumer Online Foundation: The first and only organisation certified as per international standard ISO 9001:2015 for Consumer Complaint Redressal Services
First and the only organization in India to be certified on 21st September 2021 as an ISO 9001:2015 on Consumer Complaint Redressal Services. We are proud to share our achievements with our readers and supporters. Thanks for your continued support and guidance for more than 35+ years of service to the consumers in India and abroad.
Blog Addicts
Dr. Harish Tripathi, MBBS "The Prescription" helps give me my monthly dose of current pharma news which I eagerly look forward to in order to keep myself abreast as a more aware reader. Keep up the good work.
Ms Susheela Singh, ProfessionalWant to commend the PSAII India publication team for all the good work they do in bringing out this bi-monthly newsletter. Well done.
Mr Ramamurthy Iyer, Pharma Expert
Very beautifully and aptly captures important news in the Pharma domain. Excellent work.
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