Lakhs of drugs are being sold on the Internet every day, adding that some of the drugs or medicines contain narcotic and psychotropic substance and some can cause antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is a threat not only to the patient but to the humanity at large. Unlike consumer items, drugs are extremely potent substances and consuming wrong dose or fake medicine can have fatal consequences on the patient. As of now there is no mechanism to control the sale of medicines on Internet and this puts health and lives of people at a high risk. Read more on this, price cap exemptions, introduction of Healthcare Professions Bill and Germ Theory in Drug Laws and PSM India Capsules section.
Drug testing labs getting upgraded in Gujarat, Indian Pharma companies grabbing 290 final ANDA approvals from US FDA, Snapdeal in the dock for selling a schedule H drug online and a novel device to make blood testing pain free for diabetics, make for some interesting read under Pharma Injections and Drug Dopes.
Happenings in the health sector in India and around the world are reflected under National and Global Injections respectively.
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Stay Healthy. Stay Protected.
Pooja Khaitan
The Prescription
“The world's largest healthcare scheme rightfully deserves the most efficient and effective governance structure with total accountability."
Sri J.P.Nadda
Health Minister
Government of India
The gastroenterology department on the ninth floor of the new building at the 95-year-old King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai’s Parel is no different from the rest of the hospital — crowded, with relatives of patients waiting in corridors, and often making a bed for themselves on the staircase. A room on the floor serves as the office of Shobna Bhatia, head of the department, an old hand at research on probiotics and expert on the use of human gut bacteria in the treatment of intestinal diseases.
Breast Cancer Drug Letrozole Linked To Brain Malfunction
Toronto, 2018: A study in nonhuman primates by researchers at the University of Massachusetts and the University of Maryland School of Medicine has shown that the breast cancer drug letrozole has adverse effects on the brain. Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor (AI) that is often given as adjuvant therapy to women with estrogen receptor-dependent breast cancer, but the treatment is linked with side effects including hot flashes and mood changes.
Antibiotic Overuse Is High For Common Urology Procedures
New York,2018: A new study suggests that antibiotics are being overused in up to 50 percent of patients undergoing common urological procedures. The study, led by Daniel Livorsi, MD, University of Iowa assistant professor of internal medicine, shows that the high rates of overuse were mostly due to extended use of antibiotics following the procedure. The findings were published Dec. 21 in JAMA Network Open.
Researchers Explore New Way Of Killing Malaria In The Liver
San Diego, 2018: Most malaria drugs are designed to reduce symptoms after infection. They work by blocking replication of the disease-causing parasites in human blood, but they don’t prevent infection or transmission via mosquitoes. What’s worse, the malaria parasite is developing resistance to existing drugs.
Novel Blood Test May Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease
Boston, 10 Dec 2018: Scientists have developed a blood test that can accurately diagnose or even predict Alzheimer's disease before symptoms appear. Currently the only way to definitively diagnose Alzheimer's disease in life is through brain scans and tests of cerebrospinal fluid that must be collected via lumbar puncture.
Raid In British Columbia, Canada Turns Up A Pill Press And Over 100 Different Pill Dyes
January 8, 2019: The Vancouver Sun reported that the Surrey Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in British Columbia announced the raid of two storage units that led to the seizure of large quantities of illegal drugs, plus equipment and chemicals necessary to manufacture counterfeit pills. During the November 29, 2018 raid, the police seized dyes for more than 100 different types of pills along with 20 kilograms of a pill binding agent and other chemicals and instructive books on how to manufacture illegal drugs.
FDA Alert: Happy Together, Inc. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall Of Product Due To Presence Of Undeclared Sildenafil And Tadalafil
This is a reprint of an FDA Alert.
When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, the FDA posts the company's announcement as a public service. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is Drug Fever?
Ans: Drug fever is a common condition that is frequently misdiagnosed. It may be defined as a disorder characterized by fever coinciding with administration of a drug and disappearing after the discontinuation of the drug, when no other cause for the fever is evident after a careful physical examination and laboratory investigation. Drug-induced fever is a symptom of an adverse drug reaction wherein the administration of drugs intended to help a patient causes a hypermetabolic state resulting in fever. The drug may interfere with heat dissipation peripherally, increase the rate of metabolism, evoke a cellular or humoral immune response, mimic endogenous pyrogen, or damage tissues. Read More>>>
Tamarind Can Protect Against Chikungunya, Find IIT Researchers
New Delhi, 14 Nov 2018: A protein derived from tamarind seed can protect against chikungunya, a mosquito-borne disease caused by the CHIKV alphavirus, according to researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. The study has been accepted in the scientific journal, Virology.