I am happy that the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) India team has developed and designed the first Newsletter for the citizens of India and the Global Community to keep them all connected with the activities conducted by the various stakeholders around the world on tackling spurious and sub standard medicines, which is an important consumer’s right issue.
The quality of Drug formulations and its sale through the regulated distribution chain has been a prime concern at National as well as International level. Even after the best of efforts put forward by the various regulatory bodies in every country and a strong partnership between the various stakeholders has not been able to tackle the menace of spurious medicines, which is increasing every year.
This is a consumer right issue as it leads to serious consequences on the health and safety of the consumers (patients). As there is a great amount of mistrust between the consumers and the pharmaceutical companies there is a great need to start an open and transparent dialogue between the interested parties to ensure protection to the consumers from credible manufacturing companies who adopt the best practices in the interest of the consumers.
This connectivity provided by PSM India in my view is a small baby step in that direction to recognize the pharmaceutical companies who are not only working for profit but are ethical in their business practices and willing to enable consumers to take the right choice based on science and modern technology to identify the spurious medicines and only access genuine quality medicines at the most affordable price. According to the various reports circulating around the world, the extent of spurious medicines in Indian retail market is estimated between 25-30%, which is unverified and not established with proper evidence.
PSM India is keen to facilitate in conducting a study which will reflect the actual extent of the problem of spurious medicines and develop strategies by engaging with consumers on how to make India a country with least amount of spurious medicines and not project India as the major producers of spurious medicines in the world, which is unfortunately happening today.
I am confident the efforts put together by the PSM India team shall move forward in a constructive manner and support the regulatory bodies to become more efficient and effective to protect the health and safety of the consumers and encourage the global best practices to prevail in India in the manufacturing practices and distribution chain of medicines in India.
I wish the PSM India team all the best and congratulate them for the excellent work done to protect and educate the consumers in India and also other developing countries. I also take this opportunity to seek support from all the stakeholders to create milestones in eradicating spurious medicines from India. I shall fail in my responsibility if I do not recognize the support PSM India has received from the International Body, which has made it possible for us to start this initiative in India.

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