About the Partnership for Safe Medicines India
The Partnership for Safe Medicines India is a group of organizations and individuals that have policies, procedures, or programs to protect consumers from spurious or contraband medicines. For more information, please visit jagograhakjago.com
PSM LOGO 17th January
News Archive
Quote of the day
Bejan Misra"Human Rights aren't just about violence and terrorism. Unsafe drugs too fall into the category. TheNational Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has described the manufacture, distribution and sale of unsafe drugs and medical devices as a violation of human rights." --Mr. Bejon Misra (Founder, PSM India)
In other News

Q: What are spurious drugs?
Ans: Spurious drugs include any fake or substandard medicine that is below the FDA's established standards of quality but hide this fact. Spurious drugs can be any, or all, of the following things:
Fact: Spurious drugs are not limited to brand-name prescription drugs. They also create fake versions of generic and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.

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2nd Feb'12 National Conference on Safe Medicines at Hyderabad.
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National News
A crackdown on retailers and wholesalers believed to be in violation of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act has been launched by the intelligence wing of the Kerala drugs control department.
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Global News
The largest prescription drug provider in the United States has agreed to a settlement requiring it to pay $ 5 million worth of compensation to consumers who spent their money to buy its overpriced drugs.
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CHINA :Representatives of the CSDO (Central Drug Standard Control Organisation) are to visit China in February, on the invitation of the Chinese government, to inspect four drug manufacturing units in that country. The development follows India’s cancellation of import licenses to overseas units that did not comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).
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Pharma News

SindoorSince it is 40% cheaper to manufacture pharmaceuticals in India than it is almost everywhere else, the country is becoming a magnet for pharmaceuticals buyers. However, the credibility of Indian pharmaceutical products is threatened by the incidence of spurious or sub-standard medicines

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Jammu and Kashmir now has a drug policy, which has taken some sixty plus years for it to acquire.The policy stipulates demand factors, lead time, transportation and emergency need as criteria for determining drug procurement. There are provisions for inventory control to prevent accumulation of excessive stocks.
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Drug Laws and Policy News

According to a study reported online in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a category of medicine called statins, which act to lower blood cholestrol, also increase the risk of diabetes.

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Pooja Khaitan
© 2011 Partnership for Safe Medicines India E-15/A, first floor, East of Kailash, New Delhi -110065
jagograhakjago.com; jagograhakjago.com; Consumer Conexion