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Fake medicines in Chhattisgarh government hospitals
Raipur "The situation at government hospitals in Chhattisgarh is quite pathetic and alarming. Fake and expired medicines have been dumped at the hospitals and poor people have no option but to avail these medicines,"
The state was presently in the grip of diarrhoea and poor people were dying at government hospitals in all the 18 districts where "only fake and expired medicines" were available.
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FDA Finding Fuels Indian Crackdown on Sub-standard Drugs
August 2011 A routine monthly inspection carried out by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) authorities in the state of Maharashtra, India, last month noted an increase in the number of sub-standard drug samples raising apprehensions about the availability of safe and genuine drugs in the state.
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Developed world feeling sting of fake drugs
August 2011, Growing spurious drug incidents in developed countries are grabbing more than their usual share of headlines.
Read More  19 Indians indicted in major health care fraud in US
NEW YORK, 3 AUG: - A US court has indicted 26 people, including 19 Indians, for their roles in a massive health care fraud under which false insurance claims to the tune of USD 60 million were submitted to public and private insurance providers.
Indian-origin pharmacist, Babubhai Patel, is accused of being at the centre of the conspiracy.
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Spurious clippings: global news round-up
2011 - Our latest round-up of spurious news items from around the world includes enforcement actions in Pakistan, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, the UK, Philippines and India.
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