The Prescription: 1st May 2016 Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

Greetings to our enthusiastic and encouraging readers on yet another news packed edition of The Prescription. Your wonderful congratulatory messages for our founder on our last issue, have been conveyed. Our founder Mr.Misra extends his gratitude to you all and promises that we shall keep moving forward with extra determination to help provide a safe and secure healthcare sector.

Medicines have revolutionised our lives. They are one of the reasons for our longevity, alleviation of diseases and suffering. Medicines today have a very vital role to play and we cannot imagine a world without medicines. So, medicine safety is an issue of prime importance.


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"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“2050 AMR will contribute to around 10 million deaths worldwide. Therefore, urgent action is needed to combat AMR globally. This will need policy commitment from the governments, sustained investment, technical assistance and regional cooperation”

Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh
Regional Director, WHO

PSM India Capsules

PSM India congratulates Pharmacovigilance Programme of India for its five years completion. It is an important landmark in the interest of Patient Safety and Quality Medicines in India. We congratulate Government of India for supporting such a great initiative.

Have adequate measures been taken to stop rampant sale of schedule H1 drugs?

The Schedule H1 notification of the Government of India on Aug 30, 2013, as an amendment to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules of 1945, came into force from Mar 1, 2014 with 46 drugs placed under this restricted category which mainly comprised of third and fourth generation antibiotics, anti-TB and some other habit-forming drugs with the aim of putting a check on their indiscriminate use by patients/ consumers.

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Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Maharashtra to launch motor bike ambulances to reduce mortality and morbidity ratesMumbai, April , 2016: With an aim to reduce mortality and morbidity rates in an emergency by 20 per cent by providing first aid and stabilizing the situation to the accident victims till an ambulance arrives, the Maharashtra government, through National Health Mission, will soon launch 10 bike ambulances in the state. The tender process to procure 10 motor bike ambulances has already started by the government. Read More
Health ministry launches e-health & m-health initiatives to rope in youth to combat lifestyle diseases New Delhi April 2016: The Union Health ministry has launched a slew of new e-health and m-health initiatives such as Mobile Apps in its efforts to focus on the youth and adolescents of the country to prevent and combat lifestyles diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. The Ministry feels that prevention and awareness about non-communicable diseases which are largely linked with lifestyle, dietary habits, lack of exercise, etc. will go a long way in ensuring that the country remains healthy. India can reap the benefits of its demographic dividend only when the youth of the country grow up to be healthy citizens, it feels.Read More
Japan and India will collaborate on research on AMR and development of national integrated surveillance programApril 2016: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) of Japan signed a Letter of Intent on the sidelines of the meeting of the Health Ministers from WHO South East Asia Region and Western Pacific Region countries at Tokyo, in the presence of Shri J P Nadda, Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare. Read More
IMA asks doctors not to advertise 'guaranteed treatment'New Delhi, April 2016: The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has issued a circular to all its 2.5 lakh members warning them not to advertise "No Cure No Payment" or "guaranteed cure" stating both are violations of Medical Council of India (MCI) Code of Ethics Regulations as well as Drugs and Magic Remedies Act. Read More
Pharma Injections
Risk Vs Benefits of Aspirin RevealedApril 2016: Daily aspirin takers can get more benefit than harm, a group of independent experts at the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) announced. The primary benefits of daily aspirin use such as prevention of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD) can potentially outweigh the risk of bleeding risks in certain individuals. Read More
Patients with skin infections hardly complete antibiotic doses New York : Patients with skin infections are less likely to take all their prescribed antibiotic doses after leaving the hospital, resulting in new infection or needing additional treatment for the existing skin infection, says a study. Read More
Worm infection counters inflammatory bowel disease by drastically changing gut microbiome Infection with worms counters inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) by triggering immune responses that change the mix of bacteria, or microbiome, in the gut. This is according to a study published online in the journal Science. Read More
Carbamazepine can lead to Stevens Johnson’s Syndrome reported by CDSCO April, 2016: Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has been reported to world community through World Health Organization that carbamazepine can cause Stevens Johnson’s Syndrome as adverse effect. Read More
Drug Dopes
Bubble technology: a new effective invention to deliver drugs to cancer cells April, 2016: Scientists have invented a new way to deliver cancer drugs deep into tumour cells using gas bubbles, a finding which may solve some of the most pressing problems faced in chemotherapy. Read More
GW Pharmaceuticals Receive Orphan Drug Designation from FDA for Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex LONDON, April 2016: GW Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq:GWPH) (AIM:GWP) (“GW” or “the Company”), a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing novel therapeutics from its proprietary cannabinoid product platform, has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Orphan Drug Designation for cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). Read More
Arbro Launches nanotechnology based bio-available curcumin New Delhi, April, 2016: Arbro Pharmaceuticals has launched SNEC30, a patented highly bioavailable Self Nano Emulsifying Curcumin formulation in 30 mg dose. Read More
National Injections
Most blood banks operate sans licence Indore, April 2016: Nearly 20 government blood banks and storage units along with a dozen private blood banks in Indore division are operating without licences as it either expired in the last few months or are pending for renewal. Read More
Maharashtra FDA conducts surprise checks on 11 chemists shops, issues stop sale notices Mumbai, April, 2016: In its ongoing drive against non-compliance to Drugs and Cosmetics Act (D&C Act), the Maharashtra Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made surprise inspections at 11 retail drug stores in the city and issued stop sale notices in contravention to Rule 65(2) of the D&C Act on two stores in Mumbai for pharmacists not being present in both the cases. Read More
Chennai: Hospitals cut corners in replacement surgeries Chennai, April 2016: A large number of patients who underwent replacement of hip or knee have not been able to have a quality life possibly because their surgeons cut corners to save money for the hospital or the hospital did not want to spend more, a gathering of surgeons said recently. In some cases, the hospitals just did not have the facility. Read More
MMC frames charges against 5 pathologists for unethical practices Mumbai, April, 2016: The Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) has finally framed charges against 5 pathologists who were found to be involved in unethical practices like forging signatures and generating unverified diagnostic reports to generate extra income. The offenders hail from districts like Baramati, Sangli and Thane and also from areas like Navi Mumbai, Panvel and Borivali. It was also found that the pathologists were registered with multiple pathology centres and used to sign on blank papers that were used to print pathology reports. Read More
Delay in diagnosis leads to worsening of multi drug-resistant TB in country April, 2016, New Delhi: The fight against tuberculosis in Mumbai, dubbed as the country's TB capital after news of totally drug-resistant TB emerged in 2012, will soon pack a stronger punch. The Centre is ready to announce universal drug susceptibility testing (DST) in Mumbai as a pilot project, said Dr Sunil Khaparde, Deputy DG of the Central Tuberculosis Division, at a meet in the city. The universal DST plan entails testing every presumptive TB patient for drug resistance as soon as he/she goes to a doctor. The fight against tuberculosis just got fiercer. The Centre is ready to announce universal drug susceptibility testing (DST) in Mumbai as a pilot project for the rest of the country , said Dr Sunil Khaparde, Deputy Director General of the Central Tuberculosis Division. Read More
Global Injections
FDA guides on product design to prevent medication errors April 2016: The US FDA has published new guidance on considerations when designing pharma products in order to minimise medication errors. Read More
Low-cost spectroscopy test detects counterfeit medicines April 2016:Scientists in Poland are putting a rapid, cheap spectroscopy technique through its paces as a way to screen tablets for counterfeits. Read More

Zika virus: 2.2 billion people in 'at risk' areasApril, 2016 : The Zika virus, which is spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, triggered a global health emergency this year. Last week the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the virus causes severe birth defects.Read More


Illinois doctor has medical license suspended over purchase of fake cancer drugs

25th April, 2016: Dr. Ann Kinnealey can no longer practice medicine in Illinois after a hearing by the Illinois State Medical Board determined that she purchased misbranded cancer medication from foreign supplier, Quality Specialty Products (QSP). QSP was a wholesale subsidiary of Canadian Internet Pharmacy giant, Canada Drugs.

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How fake drug importer gallant pharma’s D.C. address gave it a veneer of legitimacy

25 April, 2016: Though their medication sold was neither FDA-approved nor legally imported, Gallant Pharma was able to pass itself off as a legitimate pharmaceutical supplier simply by basing their operation in a Washington D. C. suburb, and claiming their drugs were sourced from Canada.

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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is the difference between Prescription and OTC Drugs?
Answer: Prescription medicines are those allopathic medicines which, by law, can be purchased by
Patients/ customers only against a prescription of a qualified doctor (Registered Medical Practitioner- R.M.P.). A pharmacy/medical store is legally not permitted to sell such medicines to patients unless a proper prescription is produced /shown. Such medicines cannot be advertised in public and can be dangerous if not taken as per doctor's advice or taken without being prescribed by a doctor i.e. they should be used carefully.
OTC drugs are those allopathic medicines which, by law, can be purchased by customer without a prescription of a doctor, or can be recommended by the pharmacist. They are assumed to be relatively safe, have a history of safety, and can be used for self-medication.
However, they too can cause side effects and thus also need to be used carefully. They are often advertised to the public. Examples are: Paracetamol, Electrolytes, Vitamins, Antacids, Minerals, Antiseptic creams, Calamine lotion, etc. Though pain-killers do not fall under this category directly, but they are often sold as OTC in smaller doses in pharmacies.

Q2. What does an ideal Prescription contain?
Answer: A prescription is an important legal document. It is an order for medication, issued by a qualified physician, dentist, veterinary doctor, or a licensed medical practitioner, to a patient. The pharmacy honours the prescription by dispensing the medicines written on it to the patient. Generally, prescription designates medicines written on it to the patient and dosages
to be administered to a particular patient at a specified time. Most prescriptions are handwritten by the doctor. However, in today's advanced world, a typed or computer printed prescription may be accepted, provided it is personally dated and signed with his usual signature by the prescriber. Read More>>>

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Blog Addicts
Dr. Sobha Singha Tweets Quite an insightful newsletter, came to know a lot of ground realities. Wish to read more such articles.
Rahul Joshi, Pharma Distributor and activist blogsIt was alarming to know about the impact of spurious drug menace in the society. Thanks PSM-India! We whole heartedly support this initiative.
Dr. Rupali Bhavre comments Very good information, Nice and helpful! Cheers to PSM India!
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