Greetings and welcome to yet another edition of our newsletter.
The presence of harmful chemicals in cosmetic products that are rather well known is highlighted in this issue under PSM India capsules. It's a matter of great concern and shame on how every moment we are cheated or compromised of good health by manufacturers of these dangerous products across India. Consumers are ultimate sufferers who not only gets monetarily thrashed, but are deprived of proper health results. PSM India works to find out such malpractices in our country and condemn this act. Hope our government soon takes action against them and bans these hazardous fake products from the market in the interest of consumers. Read More>>>
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"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !
Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor ,
Partnership for Safe Medicines India.
“The Union health ministry will now need to bring in Good Storage Practices (GSP) as a dedicated guidance which is the most critical component in pharma supply chain management. There is need for accountability in storage of drugs going by the variation in temperature in the country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Jaipur to Imphal’
Dr BR Jagashetty,
Former National Advisor (Drugs Control) to Union Health Ministry
We conducted the 2nd Universal Health Camp on 14th May,2016 under the aegis of Patient Safety and Access Initiative of India Foundation and Mata Anandmayee Hospital in Varanasi. The camp to register citizens for the Medical Card was held at the premises of Diamond Hotel, Varanasi. The said camp was held from 11:30am till 4:00pm with doctors from Mata Anandmayee Hospital, Shivala, Varanasi. Along with the doctors, there were three attendants to help register the patients and two attendants to help distribute free medicine to patients at the camp itself. Additionally, the owners and management of the hotel distributed tea and heavy snacks to the doctor and all the attendants that were present during the entire health camp. We extend our gratitude to them for the same.
The desire to get fairer flawless skin like favourite personalities can damage the skin and overall health of a person as most of them contain harmful chemicals as claimed by eminent Indian Doctors. Most of the beauty products available in India contain toxic heavy metals that can cause deadly diseases including cancer.
Too many advanced Cancer patients lack info about their diseaseMay, 2016: Many patients battling advanced cancer lack basic information about their prognosis or treatment, meaning they can't make informed decisions about their care, a small new study suggests.
WHO calls on countries to prepare as Zika virus expected to spread in Europe in late spring and summerMay, 2016: A new WHO report assesses the risk of a Zika virus disease outbreak occurring during late spring and summer in the European Region. While the overall risk is low to moderate, countries where Aedes mosquitoes are present are more likely to experience a Zika virus outbreak.
Ice shuts down 67 fake online pharmacy websites for selling counterfeit drugs
Website visitors now see a seizure banner displaying in place of the fake drug advertisements
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that 67 different domain names for commercial websites “engaged in the illegal sale and distribution of counterfeit and prescription drugs” have had seizure orders executed against them by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). According to the DOJ, visitors to these fake online pharmacies will find instead a banner web page stating that the site has been seized by the Federal Government for violations of Federal smuggling and trademark misuse.
Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What does heat stroke means?
Answer: Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a severe heat illness, defined as hyperthermia with a body temperature greater than 40.6 °C (105.1 °F) because of environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation. This is distinct from a fever, where there is a physiological increase in the temperature set point of the body. Before a heat stroke occurs people show signs of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, mental confusion, headaches, and weakness. Read More>>>
Q2. What is angina pectoris?
Answer: Angina, or angina pectoris, is the medical term used to describe the temporary chest discomfort that occurs when the heart is not getting enough blood. Angina pectoris is a clinical syndrome of precordial discomfort or pressure due to transient myocardial ischemia without infarction. Angina pectoris occurs when cardiac workload and resultant myocardial O2 demand exceed the ability of coronary arteries to supply an adequate amount of oxygenated blood, as can occur when the arteries are narrowed. because myocardial O2 demand is determined mainly by heart rate, systolic wall tension, and contractility, narrowing of a coronary artery typically results in angina that occurs during exertion and is relieved by rest. Read More>>>
Disposal of unused medicines, a trivial issue, but a matter of concern
There are varied reasons for having unused medicine in any house….patient cured; new doctor advised different set of medicines, patient moved to another city, leaving medicines at old place, so old ones purchased kept aside or unfortunate death of patient. These medicines should not fall into the hands of those who are not to have them, especially children. Even elders, in case of need, without seeing the expiry date may consume the medicine and get into complications. So such unused medicines are to be disposed off. Accidental exposure to these medicines could be harmful or sometimes deadly, if they are used by someone other than the person the medicine was prescribed for.