The Prescription: 1st July 2016 Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

Greetings! Information on the recently released personal safety app ‘Beacon Safety’ from Apple Store is the article to watch out for in this issue. It's a must download. As the proud mother of the maker of this app, my 13 year old son, Maanav, I feel privileged to share with our dear readers, his contribution to society. Your review on the app would be highly appreciated.

The United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga in December 2014. Since then, India has been leading from the front in performing massive Yoga awareness program on this date every year and encouraging other countries to actively join hands in practicing it and establishing its health benefits, especially in managing diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular irregularities, backache, arthritis problems etc. This year also lots of people encouraged to practice and learn Yoga through different programs. PSM India appreciates the efforts and truly support it from the heart. We urge all readers to try the holistic approach and enjoy its benefits.

If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please email me at
You may find our previous issues on or in the NEWS ARCHIVE section of every issue of The PRESCRIPTION, in case you’ve missed any of them. You may also look us up on Facebook under Partnership for Safe Medicines India

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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


"Technology can transform healthcare system in India by bringing about advances in medicine and improving the quality and affordability of healthcare which will ultimately improve patient outcomes"

Dr. S. Ramadorai
Cabinet Minister
Advisor to the Prime Minister of India
Chairman of the National Skill Development Agency
Government of India

PSM India Capsules
Beacon Safety App: download now

Have you ever felt unsafe when walking alone at night, or jogging on a running track? Have you ever worried about how you actually would get help in case of an emergency?
Beacon Safety App, a personal safety app designed to keep you and your well-wishers safer 24*7, has recently released for iOS users to be used anytime and anywhere. The app has been made by 13 year old Maanav Khaitan, a student from Hyderabad.

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Organ trafficking continues to thrive in India causing great concern for poor patients

Very recently, a disgraceful incident occurred at one of the top most reputed hospitals of New Delhi (also well known for its world class dialysis and Nephrology services) where a criminal gang, allegedly including employees of the high-end hospital, reportedly lured poor individuals to the hospital with the promise to pay them handsomely for their kidneys. However, what the victims received was a pittance compared to the huge sums their organs were resold elsewhere. Also, it was further found on investigation that the unscrupulous gang had used forged documents, wrongly showing that the donors were related to those requiring a transplant to hospital officials.

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Shri Bejon Misra, Founder of PSM-India had recently commented on the upcoming FDI issue at one of India’s news channel debate show

Shri Bejon Misra, Founder of PSM-India had recently commented on the upcoming FDI issue at one of India’s news channel debate show. He urged that at present there is need of Universal Health Coverage and accessibility to Quality Healthcare and not FDI in Defence, Food, Aviation etc. He also stated that, “This country doesn't belong to any particular political party or a particular person”.
To watch the full debate, follow at:-

Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Withdrawal of the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Bill, 2013Chennai, June’16: The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has decided to withdraw the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Bill, 2013, which had been introduced in the Rajya Sabha on 29.08.2013. The Bill had been examined by the Standing Committee of Parliament which had made a number of recommendations for changing the provisions of the Bill. Read More
Health Ministry to replace Draize test on animals with alternative methods for approval of new drugs Mumbai June’16 : The Union health ministry is seriously contemplating to replace the Draize test with alternative methods for eye irritation test in rabbits and dermal toxicity tests for skin irritation/corrosion tests in rabbits and skin sensitization in guinea pigs and mice by alternative methods with respect to the approval of new drugs. The Ministry has already started examining the feasibility of such replacements in Indian situation.Read More
Karnataka Government set to introduce an expired drug disposal policy, draft getting readyBengaluru, June, 2016 : Karnataka Government is expected to complete a draft of the new drug disposal policy by next month. The policy will put in place a set of procedures for the disposal of date expired and not-of-standard quality drugs in the state. Read More
IPC releases IP national reference standards, IPRS-VaccinesJune’16 : Keen to focus on setting the quality standards of vaccines throughout the country, the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) released the much anticipated national reference standards, the Indian Pharmacopoeia Reference Substances (IPRS-Vaccines). This is a first of its kind initiative by the IPC to fulfill the intended purpose of the having IP monographs, the national reference standards for various vaccines, and further reinstates IPC’s growing interest in giving special emphasis on standards of ‘vaccines and immunizer for human use under IP. Read More
Pharma Injections
Drug Controller General of India launch inspections against 200 drug makers for poor drugsJune, 2016 : The Drug Controller General of India has launched inspections against 200 drug makers, including leading firms like Cipla and Pfizer, for allegedly selling poor quality medicines and non-compliance to manufacturing norms. Read More
Aspirin Often Wrongly Prescribed for Atrial FibrillationMONDAY, June 20, 2016: More than one-third of U.S. patients with the abnormal heartbeat atrial fibrillation who need a blood thinner to prevent strokes aren't getting one, researchers say. About 40 percent of "a-fib" patients deemed at moderate to severe risk of stroke because of age or other conditions are prescribed aspirin alone rather than recommended blood thinners such as Xarelto (rivaroxaban) or warfarin, according to a new study. Read More
Contaminated gloves increase risks of cross-transmission of pathogens June’16: Research being presented at the ASM Microbe research meeting provides clear evidence that the gloves of healthcare workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria. The researchers' data also suggest that types of bacteria may affect cross-transmission rates among contaminated gloves and the hospital surfaces. Read More
New link found between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease Mumbai June’16: Drugs used to treat diabetes could also be used to treat Alzheimer's disease, and vice versa, according to new research from the University of Aberdeen. This is also the first study of its kind to show that Alzheimer's disease can lead to diabetes, as opposed to diabetes occurring first as was previously thought. Read More
Drug Dopes
Frost n Sullivan study identifies top ten technologies transforming health and wellness Provides trends, insights, and technologies of focus for stakeholders in this segment and the emerging market needs that are likely to shape R&D efforts in the near future. Read More
Sun Pharma recalls 2,839 bottles of anti-bacterial drug in the US The ongoing nationwide voluntary recall by Nostrum Laboratories Inc for Nitrofurantoin Oral Suspension, USP, 25 mg/5 ml is a class II recall, according to the latest enforcement report on USFDA site. Read More
Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine approved in Costa Rica June 2016: This approval in Costa Rica is the fourth registration of the dengue vaccine in Latin America, and the fifth in the world. Sanofi Pasteur’s dengue vaccine has already been approved in Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador and the Philippines. Read More
FDA Approves New Weight-Loss Device June 2016: A new surgically implanted device to treat obese patients has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Read More
National Injections
PM celebrates International Yoga Day in Chandigarh – participates in mass Yoga demonstration, addresses and mingles with people at Capitol Complex June, 2016: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, celebrated the second International Day of Yoga – 21st June, 2016 at Chandigarh, where he joined approximately 30,000 participants in a mass Yoga demonstration. Read More
Fortis hospital wrongly operates patient's healthy leg June’16 : In a shocking incident of medical negligence, Doctors at Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh , wrongly operated 24-year-old Ravi Rai's left leg, when the injury was on the right one. Read More
Not just drugs, fake blood also running through Punjab’s veins Chandigarh, June’16 : While the infamous Rs 6,000 crore synthetic drug controversy is still fresh, Punjab's laboratory technicians are now trying their hands at producing blood. In a first of its kind fraud, three Punjab hospital lab technicians along with two accomplices were on June 14 nabbed on charges of supplying and manufacturing as much as 21,752 packs of fake blood plasma. Read More
Banned hormonal injection Oxytocin seized from dairy owners New Delhi, June’16 : Oxytocin is a Schedule-H drug and is required to be supplied on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner only. Despite a ban on Oxytocin in India, violators are managing to lay their hands on the 'hormonal injection', widely used in dairy industry to boost milk production in cows and buffaloes, by importing the drug in disguised names. Read More
Anti-Cancer Drugs May Respond Better in Zero Gravity KOLKATA JUNE’16: Shedding new light on the effects of zero gravity on genetic perturbations, Indian researchers have indicated weightlessness may enhance the response of anti-cancer drugs. On the flipside, the scientists say, it could also induce cancers such as in the liver and leukemia in humans. The findings could aid authorities in designing new drugs to combat micro gravity-related illnesses. Using a systems biology approach - computational and mathematical modelling of complex biological systems - experts at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) and Presidency University here studied the linkages between gene expression and human health in micro-gravity condition. Read More
Global Injections
Canada should 'tighten up tablet press controls' June’16: The Canadian government should tighten up controls on the importation and sale of tablet presses in order to help crack down on the trade in counterfeit painkillers, say police. Read More
The top 20 medicines to avoid after age 65 June’16 : Doctors across Canada are prescribing over $400 million a year in potentially risky medicines, whose harms, including death, often outweigh benefits in patients over the age of 65, a B.C.-led study shows. Read More

FDA intensifies warnings for four Diabetes DrugsJune’16 : The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is intensifying warnings for four diabetes drugs that the FDA claims can cause life-threatening kidney harm.Read More



In its 9th year, the International Week of Action brought together enforcement organizations from 115 countries throughout the globe in an effort of eliminate the sales of counterfeit medication online.

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Dr. Mimlitz specialized in treating men who complained of a lack of energy. His treatments were actually unapproved drugs from South Korea purchased from Mexico via Internet sources.

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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is Drug Fever?
Answer: Drug fever is a common condition that is frequently misdiagnosed. It may be defined as a disorder characterized by fever coinciding with administration of a drug and disappearing after the discontinuation of the drug, when no other cause for the fever is evident after a careful physical examination and laboratory investigation. Drug-induced fever is a symptom of an adverse drug reaction wherein the administration of drugs intended to help a patient causes a hypermetabolic state resulting in fever. The drug may interfere with heat dissipation peripherally, increase the rate of metabolism, evoke a cellular or humoral immune response, mimic endogenous pyrogen, or damage tissues.
Onset of fever occurs usually between 7 and 10 days after the medication has begun. Return to normal occurs after 2-3 days of discontinuation of the drug.

Q2. What is Drug Holiday?
Answer: A Drug holiday (sometimes also called a drug vacation, medication vacation, structured treatment interruption or strategic treatment interruption) is when a patient stops taking a medication(s) for a period of time; anywhere from a few days to many months or even years if they feel it is in their best interests for recuperation of normal functions, to maintain sensitivity to the drug, and to reduce the likelihood of side-effects. Planned drug holidays are used in numerous fields of medicine. They are perhaps best known in HIV therapy, after a study showed that stopping medication may stimulate the immune system to attack the virus. In the treatment of mental illness, a drug holiday may be part of a progression toward treatment cessation. The idea of a holiday is an acknowledgement that longer term psychoactive drug formulations may represent risks not apparent in early phases of use. The holiday is also a tool to assess a drug's benefits against unwanted side effects, assuming that both will dissipate after an extended vacation.


Polio strain found in sewage water

Article from Subscriber, Mr. Rajkumar Reddy, Hyderabad

India plans to now vaccinate around 300,000 children against the crippling polio virus after a strain of the highly contagious disease was detected in sewage in the southern city of Hyderabad. India was declared polio free by the World Health Organization in March 2014 after an almost two-decade long, multi-million dollar effort -- lauded as one of the country's largest public health accomplishments in late times. Read More

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Dr. S.K Giri blogs: I congratulate PSM-India for the good work and wish that PSM shall further create greater impact through newer articles!
Dr. Alka Gupta tweets:Setting up proper healthcare for every individual is never easy and utmost challenging, but it is essential we use our voice to improve lives of patients. Cheers to PSM for your efforts!
Girish Rao comments: Applauses for your interesting newsletter. Fetch us with more articles on how to cope up with growing illegal online fake medicines in India!
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