The Prescription: 1st December Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

On behalf of PSM India I extend a warm invitation to all our enthusiastic readers of ‘The Prescription’ to attend our event on the occasion of Patient Solidarity Day on 5th December at Jamshedpur. The event shall mark the project launch on Universal Health Coverage for all amongst an audience of 1500 stakeholders including dignitaries from the Government of India and State Ministries. We hope to see you there. Find more details on this under PSM India Capsules.
Today Science has immensely improved our standard of living regarding health and medical care facilities. Several thousands of therapeutic drugs are available in the market for consumers. In such a prevailing situation, we at PSM India actively strive to impart the best knowledge on medicine safety and accessibility to all.
With SUGAM online application portal inaugurated by GOVT of India under CDSCO, challenges faced by patients, industries, consumers, organizations shall be resolved by faster work and rapidly available information on pharmaceuticals. We generously applaud the optimistic work paved by Health Ministry of India.
Stay alert of fake dengue test labs at Kolkata, doctors warning on pneumococcal resistance in children and antibiotic resistance awareness under our National Injections section.

If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please email me at
You may find our previous issues on or in the NEWS ARCHIVE section of every issue of The PRESCRIPTION, in case you’ve missed any of them. You may also look us up on Facebook under Partnership for Safe Medicines India

"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
Please visit our website if you wish to learn about us .
To register a complaint kindly visit our consumer redressal website

Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“Pathogens do not recognize political boundaries and hence move across countries. IHR (International Health Regulations) are an instrument for the world to have a robust protocol for prevention, reporting, information sharing and preparedness. India is committed to becoming IHR compliant in 2016”.

Shri. Anshu Prakash,
Joint Secretary,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

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PSM India Capsules
Patient Solidarity Day to be observed by PSM India and Healthcare Stakeholders on 5th December 2015 at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand


Patients declare that ‘healthcare is a human right’ worldwide
On Saturday 5 December, patients from across the world will join together to celebrate Patient Solidarity Day and declare that healthcare is a human right.
Leading patients’ groups from six continents will host a range of events to raise awareness among the public and will urge decision-makers to respect, protect and fulfil patients’ rights at every level of care. Events will include marches, free health screenings and meeting with ministers to change perspectives around health and improve the lives of patients.

This year PSM India and Consumer Online Foundation have come together with Kolhan Manavadhikar Sangathan to hold a discussion with Government of India ministers, State Ministers of Jharkhand, prominent personalities in the healthcare sector and about 1500 healthcare stakeholders on 5th December at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Deliberations shall take place on accessibility to safe and quality healthcare for all under the UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE. Government of India is supporting this effort highly positively.

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Research to be conducted on medicinal properties of Ganga water for holistic health
17th Nov, 2015: To further investigate the claim made through various existing research and studies that the waters of Ganga River have medicinal properties which destroy various kinds of bacteria and microbes, in order to use it for holistic human health, the Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare Shri J P Nadda has assured all support for this research including financial assistance. He stated this at the workshop organized today at AIIMS, New Delhi on the “Non-putrefying properties of Ganga Water”. Also present was Sushri Uma Bharti, Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and senior environmentalist Shri Krishna Gopal.

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National Injections

SUGAM app launched by CDSCO

CDSCO launches SUGAM the online application system for application submission, processing and grant of permissions /approval/license/NOC related informations. Also applicant can apply for licence under Import & Registration Division of CDSCO, track the status of submitted application, get replies to medicine related queries. Applicant can also upload essential documents for Registration Certificate, Import Licence and other related activities. Read More

Private labs cheating on dengue tests Kolkata Municipal Corporation has found a large number of nursing homes and pathology labs that have been conducting dengue tests by the `rapid kit' method but charging patients for the more expensive Elisa tests. Read More
Doctors urge for pediatric pneumococcal surveillanceThe Pune branch of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) has underlined the need for pediatric pneumococcal surveillance in the country and appropriate measures to reduce the disease burden. Read More
Time to handle antibiotics with care: Antibiotic awareness week 2015Bengaluru, November 22, 2015: New figures released by NPS MedicineWise show that while fewer people are now asking for antibiotics when they have a cold or flu, many still mistakenly believe that antibiotics will assist in recovery from a cold or flu. Read More
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Government eases norms to test, launch drugsNEW DELHI, NOV 2015: In an attempt to ease norms for testing and introduction of new medicines in the country, the government has taken steps to fast-track approvals for clinical trials as well as launch of drugs already approved in other countries. Read More
Health ministry launches ‘AMRIT’ Retail Pharmacy scheme to provide affordable drugs for cancer & heart diseases Nov, 2015: In a bid to reduce the cost of treating the two health issues, cancer and heart diseases, that are on the rise in India, the Union health ministry has launched the Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) Retail Pharmacy scheme. Read More
Health Minister lays foundation stone for advanced research centre in Ghaziabad November, 2015: Union Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda recently laid the foundation stone to build an advanced research centre at Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) in Ghaziabad. The estimated investment for building the centre, which is likely to be ready in one year, is approximately Rs.60 crores. Read More
Government Prioritizes International Health Regulations Nov, 2015: Signaling its strong commitment to the implementation of International Health Regulations (IHR), the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in collaboration with the WHO Country Office for India has organized a national consultation on strengthening intersectoral coordination for IHR (2005) and Points of Entry, at Goa on 18-19 November 2015. Read More
Pharma Injections
WHO warns against diabetes epidemic Nov, 2015: Stating that immediate action has to be taken to control the onslaught of diabetes, Poonam Khetrapal Singh, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for South-East Asia, said on the World Diabetes Day (November 14) that diabetes is a global epidemic which kills one person every six seconds and over five million every year. Read More
Integrative medicine, the answer to chronic diseases Nov 2015: Integrative medicine is the answer to the chronic diseases that have become the major causes of death and disablement globally, say doctors.
"While many chronic diseases can be treated through medication or surgery, they can be cured only in some cases. Integrative medical care offers hope in these cases," says Dr Ennapadam S Krishnamoorthy who specializes in integrative medicine.
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Global Injections
Fake anti-venoms costing lives, says researcher Snakebite claims thousands of lives in the world's poorest countries, in part because of counterfeit and substandard anti-venoms, according to the British Medical Journal. Read More
Israel debates tougher penalties for fake medicines Israel's government is debating a bill that would introduce tougher penalties for trading in illicit medicines, including longer jail terms. Read More

US seeks extradition in fake medicines caseNov 2015: The US is seeking to extradite more than a dozen individuals and firms linked to an online pharmacy operation accused of supplying counterfeit and unapproved medicines.Read More

FDA takes action to protect consumers from potentially dangerous dietary supplementsNovember 17, 2015: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in partnership with other government agencies, today announced the results of a yearlong sweep of dietary supplements to identify potentially unsafe or tainted supplements. The sweep resulted in civil injunctions and criminal actions against 117 various manufacturers and/or distributors of dietary supplements and tainted products falsely marketed as dietary supplements. Among the cases announced today is a criminal case charging USPlabs LLC and several of its corporate officers. USPlabs was known for its widely popular workout and weight loss supplements, which it sold under names such as Jack3d and OxyElite Pro.Read More

Drug Dopes
CDSCO updates list of not of standard Quality drugs for the month of October CDSCO updates list of not of standard Quality drugs for the month of October Read More
Cotellic approved for advanced melanoma The United States Food and Drug Administration approved Cotellic (Cobimetinib) as a combined therapy with Vemurafenib for advanced melanoma treatment that is metastatic or cannot be surgically removed in patients with abnormal gene mutations (BRAF V600E or V600K). Cotellic is a MEK blocker that is involved in cancer pathogenesis. Read More
FDA nod for Baxalta's long-acting hemophilia drug The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Baxalta's long-acting haemophilia drug Adynovate for both treatment and prevention of bleeding episodes in adults and adolescents with Haemophilia A. Read More
Mobile app that helps one manage epilepsy on the go launched in Mumbai The Epilepsy Foundation India has launched an interactive app, HELP, which can be downloaded for free from Google play store. This will send an alert to the doctor and caretaker once the patient suffers a seizure. The patient, in turn, will immediately receive details on his/her medical history, first aid information, do's and don'ts, list of sensitive drugs etc. Read More
Novartis gets FDA approval for skin cancer drug Nov, 2015: Novartis AG said on Friday it received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's regular approval for a drug combination to treat an aggressive form of skin cancer. Read More
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Interchange 2014 Highlights: Kimberly New Explains The Dangers Of Drug Diversion In Hospital Settings

23rd Nov, 2015: At the 2014 Interchange, New spoke about the risk that drug diversion poses to patients who may be treated with painkillers that have been contaminated by addicts, and about the scale of drug diversion in hospitals in the United States.

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Rogues Gallery Comics: An Illustrated Guide to Counterfeit drug crime

November 22, 2015: Ever wonder about what’s behind the news for counterfeit drug crime? The Rogues Gallery Comic Book Series tells the real-life stories of fake drug criminals and their cases.
In volume one, you can learn all about the Greedy Doctor that lied to patients with no hope of a cure and the Master Counterfeiter whose greed drove him straight into the arms of US investigators. You will also find out about the Black Marketer who sold fake drugs to US doctors, and the mystery Criminal Mastermind responsible for introducing counterfeit cancer medication to U.S. oncology practices.

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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is Fatty Liver?
Answer: Fatty liver, also known as fatty liver disease (FLD), is a reversible condition wherein large vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis (i.e., abnormal retention of lipids within a cell). Fatty liver develops when the body creates too much fat or cannot metabolize fat fast enough. As a result, the leftover is stored in liver cells where it accumulates to become fatty liver disease. Eating a high-fat diet does not directly result in fatty liver. Read More>>>

Q2. What is liver cirrhosis?
Answer: Liver Cirrhosis is a slowly progressing disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue, eventually preventing the liver from functioning properly. The scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver and slows the processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs, and naturally produced toxins. It also slows the production of proteins and other substances made by the liver.Read More>>>

Laughter Dose
Blog Addicts
Dr. Niladitya, Prof. Biochemistry tweets: Fake medicines are the global culprits of ill health and increased mortality. Time to act cautious about them. Thanks to PSM-India for helping us in understanding them better!
Ms. Madhurima says: I appreciate your “The Prescription” for nice articles and your concern for the ongoing abuses in the medical field.
Sourav Gupta, Medical Aspiring student blogs: It is essential that awareness be raised about antibiotic resistance to eliminate any future risk. Thanks PSM India for sharing the information!
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