The Prescription: 17th September Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

Fake medicines, online illegal pharmacies are consistently topping as one of the major health concern not only in India but across all developed and developing countries. Our laws require that certain drugs can only be dispensed with a valid prescription because they are not safe for use without the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider. Websites on internet that don't require a prescription and only ask customers to fill out a questionnaire before getting a prescription drug, avoid critical in-person evaluation and deny consumers the protection provided by a licensed healthcare provider.

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"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“It is a myth that all dengue patients require platelet transfusion. In fact unnecessary transfusion causes more harm and puts the patient at risk of complications such as sepsis, transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO), allo-immunisation, allergic and anaphylactic transfusion reactions. Transfusion for a dengue patient is required only if their platelet count is below 10,000 and there is spontaneous, active bleeding.”

Dr. KK Aggarwal
Padma Shree Awardee
President HCFI & Honorary Secretary General of Indian Medical association (IMA)

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PSM India Capsules
Non-medical items shall soon disappear from chemist shops

New Delhi, 2015 : Baby food, soaps and health supplements could soon disappear from your friendly neighbourhood chemist’s shelves if the Government decides to turn this proposal into a regulation. According to Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers, Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, “Companies buy consumer trust by selling products at pharmacies. Products like Nestle Cerelac and Johnson & Johnson’s baby soaps, or health supplements are not meant for sale at medical stores. “We are considering a proposal to restrict pharmacies from selling categories apart from drugs and medical devices, where over 7 lakh pharmacies would only sell approved products,” told Mr. Ahir. And there’s a Maggi element in this plan. The recent controversy over instant noodles made by Nestle India had also featured the company’s baby food supplement, Nan Pro, coming under the safety scanner. The noodle row saw the government expanding its vision to think of banning the sale of baby food, cosmetics, health supplements and similar other non-medical products at pharmacies. “These products are not medicines and people should not buy them under the impression that they are safe, effective and good for health because medical stores sell them,” Ahir said.

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National Injections
3 held for fake medicine samples Meerut, Sep 2015: In a shocking revelation made by the drugs department, 20% of the total samples collected from medical stores and medicine manufacturing units in Meerut in the last five months have been found to be fake.
Of the total 80 samples collected from April to August, 12 are fake drugs.
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TB & neonatal preterm birth complications continue to take high toll in India even as life expectancy increases Chennai, Sept, 2015: People in India are living longer, but healthy life expectancy has increased more slowly and a complex mix of fatal and nonfatal ailments cause a tremendous amount of health loss, according to a new analysis of 306 diseases and injuries in 188 countries. Thanks to a marked decline in death and illness caused by HIV/AIDS and malaria in the past decade and advances made in addressing communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders, health has improved significantly around the world. Global life expectancy at birth for both sexes rose by 6.2 years (from 65.3 in 1990 to 71.5 in 2013), while healthy life expectancy at birth rose by 5.4 years (from 56.9 in 1990 to 62.3 in 2013).Read More
Deadly dengue strains in Delhi this season New Delhi: A preliminary test report by AIIMS suggests two of the most virulent strains of dengue-type II and type IV-are circulating in Delhi this year. "Our report is based on preliminary data from the first lot of nine acute-phase serum samples (collected within 10 days of disease onset) of suspected cases," said an official of microbiology department, AIIMS. Read More
Man arrested with banned drugs, abortion kitsPANCHKULA, September, 2015: Police have arrested a man on charges of possessing and selling drugs, mostly banned tablets and cough syrups, to the youth in city. He was also carrying some abortion kits. Read More
Several drug companies fail to recall date expired medicines from market in West BengalChennai, September, 2015: Pharmaceutical units in many parts of the country are found to be not recalling and destroying date expired drugs from the market as required under D&C Rules. The drug companies are expected to collect such date expired stocks from the trade on a regular basis and destroy them in a place away from human settlements. It is a guideline given to the companies as per Schedule M and GMP conditions. But most of the companies are not following this guideline very often, according to Joydeep Sarkar, General Secretary of the All India Chemists and Distributors Federation (AICDF). Read More
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Health ministry to amend D&C Rules to fix 60 days’ time limit for government labs to furnish test reportsMumbai, 2015: The Union Health ministry will soon amend Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 for fixing 60 days’ time limit for the Government laboratories to furnish test reports on the statutory samples sent for testing, except in the cases where animal testing is required. Read More
Health ministry bans bigger diclofenac vials to save vultures Nagpur, 2015: The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in a big boost to vulture conservation, has banned multi-dose vials of diclofenac, an inexpensive non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug effective for treating pain and inflammation in cattle and humans but one that is toxic for vultures once they scavenge on diclofenac administered cattle. Read More
Pharma Injections
Heart Disease is the most common cause of death and disability in urban women New Delhi, 2015: In India, urban women are at a greater risk of heart disease today. The reasons for this include an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by a predominantly high trans-fat, sugar and salt diet, inadequate physical exercise, increased stress levels, dependence on addictive and harmful substances like alcohol and cigarettes amongst others. The largest group of women at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is aged between 35 to 44 years. The risk of CVD is as high amongst housewives as it is amongst working professionals. As far as risk factors for CVD are concerned, low HDL or “good” cholesterol and high body mass index (BMI) are the two most common contributors to CVD risk setting in as early as 35 years for women. Read More
India's Drug Warriors 2015: Indian companies have joined the global hunt to discover new antibiotics. The good news is that they are steadily moving ahead. It is turning out to be a serious health scare. With bacteria fast developing resistance to existing antibiotics, we may soon reach a stage where a simple bruise may prove fatal. What is making things worse is that no new antibiotic has been discovered for bacteria that have developed resistance to some currently available antibiotics. Read More
Dehydration Adds On To Your Illnesses 2015 : "Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine." Wondering how? Well, it hydrates and oxygenates the body so that you feel revitalized again. Whether you believe it or not, the human body has its emergency calls for water, in form of heartburn, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain, migraine headaches, colitis pain, crinkled skin, dry mouth, asthma, kidney problem, high-blood pressure, absence of urination for over six hours, etc. Read More
Global Injections
NAFDAC confiscates fake drugs worth N4 million in Jigawa Sep 6, 2015: The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control in Jigawa State on Sunday said it confiscated fake and unregistered drugs worth N4 million in the last two years. Read More
Thousands receive fake spinal fusion implants Washington Sept, 2015: Thousands of people, according to the suit, may be walking around with counterfeit screws and rods produced by a company called Spinal Solutions. . The fakes, often crudely made of steel instead of FDA-approved titanium, Read More

“Natural does not always mean safe”, FDA says mixing medications and dietary supplements can endanger healthSept, 2015: When you take prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications, do you take also a vitamin, mineral, or other dietary supplements? Have you considered whether there is any danger in mixing medications and dietary supplements?Read More

Drug Dopes
Government body approves injectable contraceptives New Delhi, 2015: The topmost Drug Technical Advisory body of the Union Health Ministry has recommended introduction of injectable contraceptive in government's family planning programme, following years of opposition and litigation on the controversial contraception tool. Read More
IIT-M develops drug for rare genetic disorder Chennai, 2015: Only 11 of 19 Children in India diagnosed with Cystinosis , Alive Researchers in IIT Madras have developed a life-saving drug that can keep children suffering from a rare genetic disorder alive. There are only 11 children in the country who suffer from the condition called cystinosis. The drug, if made and marketed in the country, will bring relief to the parents of these children who at present import them from Europe at a huge price as it is not approved in India. Read More
Second injectable anti-cholesterol drug approved 2015: The USFDA has approved Repatha, an injectable anti-cholesterol drug for treatment of high cholesterol in patients who are diagnosed with high risk of heart disease but unresponsive to conventional statins. Repatha (Evolocumab) is a PCSK9 inhibitor that acts in the liver to lower LDL-cholesterol.. Read More
Varubi approved for chemotherapy-induced emesis Sep-2015: The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has approved Varubi (Rolapitant) to prevent delayed-phase chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Varubi is indicated as a combined therapy with other anti-emetics as repeat course to counter emetogenic cancer chemotherapy. Varubi is to be marketed as tablet form by Tesaro Inc. Read More
India rejects patent on Pfizer's arthritis drug Mumbai September, 2015: India has again denied Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) a patent on its rheumatoid arthritis drug tofacitinib, the latest setback for a multinational drug maker seeking to enforce its intellectual property rights in the country. Read More
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PSM PSA: Don’t buy drugs made in a dirty lab!

Sept, 2015: The public service announcement from the Partnership for Safe Medicines- Don’t Buy Drugs Made in a Dirty Lab! ( conjures images of the sort of filthy environs in which fake drugs are produced. PSM board member Tom Kubic notes “those online Canadian pharmacies don’t sell real drugs.” Find out more about what fake online pharmacies are not telling you by reading the Questions and Answers on Medicine Importation section at

Interchange 2014: Madame Gu and PSM China

Interchange 2014 was fortunate enough to have Madame LiHong Gu, Director of the Partnership for Safe Medicines China join us and share her work.
Madame Gu began her brief description of PSM China by pointing out that “China is another large country with 1.3 billion people. They all need safe medicines.”

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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is meant by Infection?
Answer: Infection is the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues and the reaction to host tissues causing local cellular injury due to competitive metabolism, toxins, intracellular replication, or antigen-antibody response. Infections are caused by infectious agents including viruses, viroids, prions, bacteria, nematodes such as parasitic roundworms and pinworms, arthropods such as ticks, mites, fleas, and lice, fungi such as ringworm, and other macro parasites such as tapeworms and other helminths. Clinicians classify infectious microorganisms or microbes according to the status of host defenses - either as primary pathogens or as opportunistic pathogens.

Q2. What is an Allergy?
Answer: An allergy is an adverse reaction that the body has to a particular food or substance in the environment.
Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Some of the most common allergens include:
• grass and tree pollen (hay fever)
• dust mites
• animal dander (tiny flakes of skin or hair)
• food allergy (particularly fruits, shellfish and nuts)
An allergy develops when the body’s immune system reacts to an allergen as though it is a threat, like an infection. It produces antibodies to fight off the allergen, in a reaction called the "immune response"
Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that normally causes little problem. These diseases include food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling.

Laughter Dose
Blog Addicts
Mr. Karan Santra, Ayurvedic Expert blogs: Applauds to your esteemed organization for providing such crucial health related informations!
Mrs. Shakti Raman , Educationist tweets: Fake Medicines cause great harm and fatalities. Thanks PSM India for offering several tools and methods to consumers!
Akaash Gupta, Aspring medical student comments: PSM-India has made patients vigilant regarding purchase, examine and intake of quality medicines!
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