The Prescription: 17th November Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

On behalf of PSM INDIA, i wish to thank the Government of India , Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers, Department of Pharmaceuticals, NPPA, IPC, All India Womens Conference, India Pharma Forum and all our distinguished delegates from India and the overseas for making our 2nd International Conference on Patient Safety and Access to Quality Healthcare a grand success !
Your participation at the event was invaluable and shall go a long way in strengthening the movement of quality healthcare and patient safety. We are working on the Haridwar Declaration and shall release it early next month.
A big thank you to all our subscribers for their appreciative words of encouragement towards our newsletter. Some comments are being regularly shared on our Blog Addiicts section of the newsletter. We are also trying to redo our website and would look for your guidance in shaping it with matter of interest to all. Kindly share your thoughts on how best we may improve upon our website by writing to me directly on
Did we know that doctors are not permitted to open pharmacies at their clinics or even register a pharmacy in their name? Did we know that every pharmacy must have a minimum area requirement as per law ? Read this issue to know more on all these questions.

If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please email me at
You may find our previous issues on our website or in the NEWS ARCHIVE section of every issue of The PRESCRIPTION, in case you’ve missed any of them. You may also look us up on Facebook under Partnership for Safe Medicines India

"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
Please visit our website if you wish to learn about us .
To register a complaint kindly visit our consumer redressal website

Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“The need of the hour is for India to manufacture medical equipments as part of the ‘Make in India’ programme so that it becomes available to the poorest of people even in remote corners of India.”

Shri Narendra Modi
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

PSM India Capsules
PSM INDIA’s 2nd International Conference on “Patient Safety & Access to Quality Healthcare” concludes on a promising note
Honourable dignitaries at the opening inaugural session of the conference.
From left to right…Mr. Anil Khaitan, Chairman, India Pharma Forum (IPF); Smt. Lakshmi Kanta Chawla, Hon’ble Former Health Minister of Punjab ; Dr. Linda M. Distlerath, Interna-tional Alliance Development PSM, Washington DC, USA ; Mr. Wajahat Habibullah, IAS (Retd.) Chairman, PSM India Initiative & Former Secretary to the Government of India ; Mr. Keshav Desiraju, IAS, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs ;Dr. V. K. Subburaj, IAS, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers; Mr. Bejon Misra, Founder Director , PSM India Initiative;
Mrs. Asha Gambhir, Hony. Secretary General, All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) and Ms. Bina Jain, Former President AIWC & Board Member PSM India Initiative

Distinguished delegates at the conference.

200+ Participants representing Patient Groups went back empowered to demand Safe Medicines and Access to Quality Healthcare after attending the 2nd International Conference at Haridwar (Uttrakhand) India from 6-8 November 2014.
The Conference began on 6th November with the 11th Board meeting of PSM India chaired by Shri Wajahat Habibullah.
Nov 7th : The event was inaugurated by the traditional Indian custom of Lamp lighting with the Ganesh Vandana echoing in the background. The inaugural session com-menced with the welcome address by PSM India’s Chairman & former secretary to the Govt. of India , Mr. Wajahat Habibullah IAS.

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National Injections
SURVEY OF SPURIOUS DRUGS The Centre has decided to conduct an all India survey on the extent of availability of spurious and not-of-standard quality drugs in the country. It is expected to be a broad-based survey covering 42,000 samples belonging to 15 therapeutic groups drawn from across the country listed in National List of Essential Medicines. The last nationwide survey of spurious drugs was conducted in 2009. Read More
PMC seeks ban on rapid dengue test kits Pune: The Health department of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has urged the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) to ban the sale of rapid diagnostic test kits for dengue, which are primarily used by private hospitals and pathology laboratories in the city. Read More
Northeast a dumping ground for inferior drugsGuwahati: The northeast has become a dumping ground for spurious and substandard drugs with dubious manufacturing companies using the region to spread their business. Read More
City doctors sell medicines too, flouting rules Meerut : Under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, a medical practitioner is not allowed to run a shop selling drugs or engage in sale of medicines across the counter. Doctors in Meerut, however, flout this rule with gay abandon. Read More
Kerala facing acute shortage of albumin serum, liver disease patients in distressChennai, Nov 2014: The medicine market in Kerala is encountering a burning issue in the wake of acute shortage of life saving drug, human albumin serum, required by patients with liver disease. The shortage is being experienced not only in Kerala but many other parts of the country as well. Read More
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
CDSCO forms Task Force headed by Dr BR Jagashetty to advise methods to simplify ex-isting procedures Bengaluru: Central Drugs Standards Organization (CDSCO) has decided to constitute a Task Force to carry out comprehensive review of the existing processes and procedures related to issuance of li-censes used by the laboratories and the Drugs Control offices. Read More
DCGI asks state DCs to provide data on Oxytocin to curb its illegal movement in India Mumbai: The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) Dr. GN Singh has directed all the state Drug con-trollers in the country to provide details of the manufacturers of bulk and formulations of oxytocin in their states along with the statistical information to curb the illegal movement of this restricted and regulated drug in the country. Read More
Telangana implements free healthcare scheme for govt employees from 1st Nov Hyderabad, Nov 2014: The Telangana State government has started implementing cashless healthcare facilities to all the state government employees, retired pensioners and their dependent family members from 1st November. Read More
DoP forms Task Force for development of mfg. capabilities in each vertical in pharma production Mumbai, Nov 2014: The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has constituted a Task Force for the development of manufacturing capabilities in each medical vertical in pharmaceutical production like cardiology, orthopaedics, neurology, etc. Read More
Pharma Injections
WHO updates personal protective equipment guidelines for Ebola response Geneva, Nov 2014: As part of WHO’s commitment to safety and protection of healthcare workers and patients from transmission of Ebola virus disease, WHO has conducted a formal review of personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines for healthcare workers and is updating its guidelines in context of the current outbreak.
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High levels of toxic molds identified in herbal medicines New Delhi, Nov, 2014: Rather than prescription or over-the-counter drugs, many of us use herbal medicines to relieve pain or treat illnesses. But a new study published in the journal Fungal Biology claims some herbal medicines are contaminated with toxic molds at levels that pose harm to human health.
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High milk intake may lead to early death: Study London, Oct 2014 (IANS): Instead of strengthening your bones, drinking more than three glasses of milk a day may increase the risk of early death, a study has found.
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Lok Sabha Speaker Smt. Sumitra Mahajan opens World Ayurveda Congress New Delhi, Nov 2014 (PIB): “The government is not striving for a revival of public interest in Ayurveda for nothing. The objective is to promote a national way of life marked by appropriate relationship between human beings and their environment. That is the only way to reduce the burden placed by Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) on the scarce resources of the country and Ayurveda is key to that.”
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Global Injections
Stopping the spread of counterfeit drugs and illegal Internet pharmacies Oct 2014: Three percent. If you’re ordering prescription medicines online, those are the chances that you are buying from a legitimate, accredited internet pharmacy. With odds that slim, is it really worth it to risk your safety for savings that are nearly always too good to be true? Read More
Turkish citizen sentenced for fake cancer drugs ST. LOUIS, OCT 2014: A Turkish citizen has been sentenced to more than two years in prison for smuggling counterfeit and adulterated cancer treatment drugs into the United States. Ozkan Semizoglu of Istanbul pleaded guilty in July. He was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court in St. Louis. Read More

Patients sue clinics, distributor over falsified spinal implantsUS, Oct 2014: Dozens of people in the US have filed lawsuits against an equipment distributor and several healthcare facilities for using unapproved implants in spinal surgery.Read More

Drug Dopes
FDA Authorizes Use of New, Substantially Faster Ebola Diagnostic Tests Oct, 2014: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use authorizations (EUAs) to two new diagnostic tests meant to help health professionals to accurately diagnose the Ebola Zaire virus in record time. Read More
Cadila Healthcare recalls anti-hypertension drug in US Washington, Nov 2014: Drug firm Cadila Healthcare is voluntarily recalling 5,400 bottles of anti-hypertension drug Atenolol tablets, in the U.S. for failing to meet specifications. Read More

Shasun Chemicals develops new drug for shrinking tumours

Chennai, Nov 2014: The Chennai based CRAMS and API exporting pharmaceutical company, Shasun Chemicals & Drugs Ltd is gearing up to develop a radio activated nanoparticle targeted drug for shrinking tumours, said Dr. S. Abhaya Kumar, CEO and MD of the company. Read More

Essel Propack develops anti-counterfeit & tamper evident packs for ointments and gels

Bengaluru, Nov 2014: Essel Propack is now developing anti-counterfeit and tamper evident packs to identify spurious products for its laminated plastic tubes used to fill ointments and gels. The company is known to have convinced pharma majors globally to opt for its laminated tubes replacing aluminum versions to package ophthalmic and dermatology formulations. Read More

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Computer Science Researchers Create an Automated System for Profiling Counterfeit Medication/Product Affiliate Networks

UC San Diego research team develops a system by which automated web crawling programs can identify spam-based sales websites and connect them to large affiliate networks.
A 2014 paper by UC San Diego researchers Matthew Der, Lawrence K. Saul, Stefan Savage, and Geoffrey M. Voelker titled “Knock It Off: Profiling the Online Storefronts of Counterfeit Merchan-dise,” describes how network investigation of html tags and other network identifiers made it possible to connect hundreds of thousands of disparate fake online pharmacy websites to the handful of affiliate networks that run them.
As Saul et al explained, they developed an automated system “able to identify the affiliate pro-grams of 180,690 online storefronts.” The authors estimate that it took over 200 man-hours designing and validating the “regular expressions” for all 45 affiliate programs that were the fo-cus of their study.


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Comprised of more than 65 non-profit organizations, the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) is a public health group committed to the safety of Prescription drugs and protecting consumers against counterfeit, substandard or otherwise unsafe medicines. This time it brings forward alarming news on Black Market Cancer Drug Cases worldwide to alert consumers from falling prey of such medicines.


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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is meant by disease endemic, epidemic and pandemic?
Answer:When a disease is prevalent in an area (population) over long periods of time, it is considered to be endemic in that area. For e.g. Chicken pox in school children.
When the prevalence of disease is subject to wide fluctuations in time, it is considered to be epidemic during periods of high prevalence. An epidemic acts as a rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of persons in a given population within a short period of time. E.g. Measles, plague, yellow-fever, typhoid, small-pox, cholera etc.
A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide. E.g.: Viral haemorrhagic fevers, antibiotic resistance, Swine Flu Virus, Ebola Virus etc.

Q2. What is mortality rate and morbidity rate?
Answer: 1. Mortality rate is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time.
2. Morbidity rate refers to the number of individuals in poor health during a given time period (the prevalence rate) or the number of newly appearing cases of the disease per unit of time (incidence rate) i.e. Morbidity refers to the disease state of an individual, or the incidence of illness in a population.

Laughter Dose
Blog Addicts
Jyotirmay foundation twits: PSM- India’s keen desire to promote safety and quality of medicines is commendable.
Arogya India Organization blogs PSM INDIA's newsletter The PRESCRIPTION, tries to make us aware of all those involved in fake medicine business in our country and such persons should be condemned.
Dr. Joshi, a reputed orth-surgeon states that .” The Prescription is gaining popularity amongst Doctors for its honest efforts against all sorts of misconduct against consumers regarding pharmaceuticals.”
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Disclaimer : Our newsletter endeavors to compile patient safety information from various sources . PSM India may not be held responsible for any article published in The Prescription.