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Greetings to all my readers!
Remembering one of the famous quotes of Denis Waitley, that “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” Such a situation has developed nationwide for noodles crazy Indians with the presence of lead and higher levels of monosodium glutamate in Nestle’s 2 minute noodles- “Maggi” and thereby consequent banning of the famous fast food across India. As this has been the most highlighted news of the fortnight, so PSM India also took a sneak peek at its changing image and therefore conveying the message to all its readers that it’s best to stay away from junk food and develop a healthy lifestyle. Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise. Simultaneously we should also be alert of falsified, adulterated, substandard, spurious and fake medicines.
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"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities.
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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !
Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor ,
Partnership for Safe Medicines India.
“Consumers are a vulnerable lot for exploitation, more so in a developing country with the prevalence of mass poverty and illiteracy. The challenges that we confront would require policy coherence and coordinated program implementation, harmonization of the legislative framework and the regulatory apparatus”
Shri Keshav Desiraju, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs
Government of India
PSM India Capsules
Great India ‘Maggi’ debacle
For past more than two decades, “Maggi” has been one of the indispensable food products in India. From children to aged , all have been greatly fond of the tasty snack item and many a times it has ruled over the kitchen and captured the place of our day to day meals like lunch, breakfast, dinner, party food , exam food etc. But unfortunately, from being India’s favourite “2 minute noodles”, Maggi is now just a symbol of being “lead” down. It’s been making headlines lately for all the wrong reasons. As it faces countrywide scrutiny, tests have been conducted in various states across the country like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Bihar, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh to check for lead and MSG content and recently it has been ordered for a recall by the Food Safety and standards authority of India.

Debate: #2MinuteMuddle: How did it go unnoticed?
by TIMES NOW 3rd June, 2015
In the NEWSHOUR debate on, TIMES NOW's Anand Narasimhan & Padmaja Joshi and panelists debate on: Maggi noodles being at the centre of a raging storm after UP FDA tests found higher than stipulated levels, concerns rising over the safety of the two-minute noodles, and as to how it all went unnoticed for these many years.
PSM-India had previously also brought forward the information on deceptive advertisements which lure consumers in falling prey to products which are either not standardised, efficient, have proper therapeutic safety evaluated and therefore can cause health hazards and other harassments to consumers. We condemn such illegal activities and hope that patients or consumers should become more precautious of falsified medicines, products etc. Recently again, 185 advertisers come under ASCI scanner for flouting guidelines.
National Injections
Jan-aushadhi store launched in Delhi- to Provide Medicines at affordable rates New Delhi, 2015: The Minister of State for Chemicals & Fertilizers, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir inaugurated the Jan Aushadhi Generic Drug Store at IMA House, New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that Jan Aushadhi Yojana, will be relaunched in the month of August 2015 in a big way.
Expired medicine racket busted, kingpin held Panchkula, 2015: A team of the Drugs Control Department busted a racket of sale of expired medicines as new ones at the Industrial Area, Phase II, Panchkula. The team seized stock worth about Rs 8 to Rs 10 lakh.
Gujarat FDCA detects several NSQ medical devices made locally & importedJune, 2015: In order to address the issue of dumping of sub-standard medical devices by some countries and trading companies, Gujarat Food and Drug Control Administration (FDCA) has detected several cases of not of standard quality devices in the state over the past few years and has taken actions to curb such unethical practice.
95 percent of world's population have health issues: LancetJune 9, 2015: Just one in 20 people worldwide (4.3 percent) had no health problems in 2013, with a third of the world's population (2.3 billion individuals) experiencing more than five ailments, claimed the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2013 published in the prestigious journal The Lancet. Moreover, the research shows that worldwide the proportion of lost years of healthy life (disability-adjusted life years) due to illness (rather than death) rose from around a fifth (21 percent) in 1990 to almost a third (31 percent) in 2013.
International Yoga Day: India to lead world from RajpathJune, 2015: Hundreds of thousands of health enthusiasts from 193 countries will perform various 'asanas' (yogic postures) at different places across the globe with some 35,000 to 40,000 people who would lead the celebrations from Rajpath in the heart of the Indian capital to mark the first International Yoga Day on June 21. Ishvar V. Basavaraddi, director, Morarji Institute of Yoga Sciences, said that people from 193 countries would take part in the celebrations.
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
DCGI to launch 20 mobile labs, recruit 200 drug inspectors to strengthen Central regulatory system soonJune 2015: The Drugs Control General of India (DCGI) has embarked on a strategy to strengthen the drug regulatory system and infrastructure facilities in the country. As part of this, soon the Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO) is planning to launch 20 mobile drug testing labs and recruit 200 more new drug inspectors in the next few months.
Health ministry moots online sale of drugs; regulator works on guidelines New Delhi, 2015: As online shopping catches up, you could buy medicines too with a click of the mouse for which the health ministry is evaluating a proposal. The drug quality regulator is framing guidelines and mechanism to monitor such sale.
DoP issues draft National Medical Device Policy-2015 Mumbai, June, 2015: The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has issued the draft National Medical Device Policy-2015, for strengthening the 'Make in India' drive in medical device sector by reducing the dependence on imports and setting up a strong base for medical devices especially those having critical implications in terms of affordability and availability for patients.
Pharma Injections
The Shocking truth about Antibiotic Resistance How is Antibiotic Resistance Defined?
Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to withstand the antimicrobial power of antibiotics. Simply put, antibiotics that used to cure an infection no longer work.
Antibiotic resistance is a global threat, and The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers antibiotic resistance one of their top health concerns. Infections with drug-resistant bacteria may lead to longer hospital stays, more costly care, and an increased risk of death.
Some exciting drug related informations Honey excellent for Cough
A spoonful of honey can quieten children’s’ night time cough and help them and their parents sleep better.
Anti fever drugs will not reduce fever in patient with heat stroke Over 1,000 people have died across India because of heat stroke. Heat stroke is a medical emergency and deaths can be prevented if treatment is started early. The commonest mistake done in treating patient with high fever due to heat stroke is giving anti fever medicine and waiting for it to respond.
Diabetes Drug Metformin may lower glaucoma risk May 28, 2015, -- The diabetes drug metformin was linked to a lower risk of developing the eye condition glaucoma in a new study. People who took the most metformin during the 10-year study period had a 25 percent reduced risk of glaucoma compared with people not taking the drug, researchers found.
Facts about Calcium Carbide • Under PFA Section 44AA, the use of calcium carbide for artificial ripening of mangoes, apple, plum, banana is prohibited and can attract both imprisonment and fine.
• Calcium carbide powder is usually kept wrapped in paper between the fruits (unripe mangoes) in a basket or box.
Herbal drugs to battle arthritis June 10, 2015: Arthritis relates to joint pain in the body, and can be in one or multiple locations like the fingers, knees, elbows, hips or jaw.
Global Injections
WHA confirms delay in fake drug mechanism review June 2015 : It has been confirmed that a World Health Assembly-led initiative to tackle the trade in falsified and substandard medicines will be held back by a year to 2017. The delay in the review of the mechanism (MSM) on so-called substandard/spurious/falsely-
South Korea reports more cases of MERS illness SEOUL (Reuters) , June 5, 2015- South Korea confirmed five more cases of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, the health ministry said early on Wednesday, bringing to 30 the total number of cases in the country of the often-deadly illness.
US FDA issues draft guidance on reportable chemistry, mfg. & control changes for approved drug & biologicsBengaluru, June , 2015: The US FDA has issued a draft guidance on the established conditions: Reportable Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) changes for approved drug and biologic products. The regulator expects the biopharmaceutical industry to provide their comments before July 31, 2015.
Live Anthrax Spores Sent Accidentally to U.S. LabsThe Pentagon accidentally shipped live anthrax spores to government and commercial laboratories in at least nine states and one overseas location, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.
Drug Dopes
DCGI urged to ban Power Morcellator used in hysterectomy as it causes cancer Chennai, 30 May 2015: In a letter sent to Dr G N Singh, the Drugs Controller General of India, the professor of pharmacy at the Birla Institute of Technology in Ranchi and former chairman of the Hospital Pharmacists Association, Dr Roop Narayan Gupta, wanted him to ban the medical device, Power Morcellator, used in hysterectomy or uterus removal as studies show that its use leads to dissemination of malignant tissue.
Jharkhand’s first mobile medical unit launched June 9, 2015: Brahmananda Narayana Multispeciality Hospital (BNMH) launched its Mobile Medical Unit-an initiative to expand quality medical care to remote areas in the State where basic healthcare facilities are not available.
Scientists find way to make HIV vaccines effective June 8, 2015: Researchers have identified a protein that could help improve the efficacy of vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and prevent transmission of the virus. A protein called Polyglutamine-binding protein 1 (PQBP1) acts as a front-line sensor to recognise HIV and initiates an immune response to the virus, the results showed.
FDA Approves New Drugs for Irritable Bowel Syndrome May 28, 2015, -- Two new drugs for adults with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday.
USFDA approved Neupogen June- 2015: The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has approved Neupogen to treat effects of radiation exposure following a nuclear accident. Neupogen is the first ever approved drug for the treatment of acute radiation injury. The drug was originally developed to treat adverse events of chemotherapeutic drugs. The approval of Neupogen was based on pre-clinical studies conducted by the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine (UM SOM).
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Linda Marks offers her views on Criminal Prosecutions and Patient Safety at Interchange 2014

Linda Marks, Senior Litigation Counsel for the Consumer Protection Branch of the Department of Justice, moderated Interchange 2014’s panel on criminal prosecutions and the patient safety issues that result from misbranded medication. In her opening remarks, she described the work the Department of Justice has done to combat counterfeit and misbranded drugs.
The National Crime Prevention Council wants consumers to buy medicines safely
June 8, 2015: The National Crime Prevention Council has released a guide about how to find a safe online pharmacy and protect yourself from products that may be contaminated, counterfeit or non-FDA approved. The brochure reviews safety precautions and provides information about how to report suspicious drugs.
Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What are Heavy Metals and how they impact health? Is it necessary to monitor heavy metals in medicine/pharmaceutical product?
Answer: The term ‘Heavy metal’ refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. The term has particular application to cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic; which have high exposure risk to human body.
Cadmium: Long-term exposure to cadmium is associated with renal dysfunction. High exposure can lead to obstructive lung disease and has been linked to lung cancer.
Mercury: Tremors, gingivitis and/or minor psychological changes, together with spontaneous abortion and congenital malformation.
Lead: Toxic effects depending on the level and duration of exposure. High levels of exposure may result Anaemia, toxic effects on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, joints and reproductive system, and acute or chronic damage to the nervous system.
Arsenic: Chronic exposure may lead to diabetes, Hypopigmentation and even Cancer
Q2. What are the major chemicals of public health concern?
Answer: Chemicals are part of our daily life. All living and inanimate matter is made up of chemicals and virtually every manufactured product involves the use of chemicals. Many chemicals can, when properly used, significantly contribute to the improvement of our quality of life, health and well-being. But other chemicals are highly hazardous and can negatively affect our health and environment when improperly managed. Table 1 represents the names of chemicals that poses public health risk.
Blog Addicts
Ms. Namrita Paul, Healthcare executive tweets Dear PSM, Thanks for the informative news and updation. You are consistently the best (drug related) anti-counterfeiting news provider in India !
Mr. Pulkit Kapur, Physician conveys Loads of luck and positive attitude towards the commitment shown by PSM-India in betterment of the health of all Indians!
Mrs. Payel Banerjee
Pharma professional and health care activist blogs: Medicines are obligatory part of our daily life. Well done PSM for always publishing such important information on medicines in your bulletins. Congratulations-kudos!
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PSM India may not be held responsible for any article published in The Prescription.