About the Partnership for Safe Medicines India
The Partnership for Safe Medicines India is a group of organizations and individuals that have policies, procedures, or programs to protect consumers from spurious or contraband medicines. For more information, please visit jagograhakjago.com
PSM LOGO 17th January
News Archive
Editor's Emulsion

Pooja Khaitan




As the year kicks off with great enthusiasm, new dreams and bright spirits , our nation is also gripped with many sorrowful, social and health issues that need committed and immediate attention. The Nation came together as one on the Nirbhaya case. Similarly, we must stand in unison on Patient Safety as well !
This issue compiles news, views and interviews of reputed professionals like Mr. S. Krishnan , Chairman Healthy You foundation and Ms. Manjiri Gharat VP and Chairperson IPC-CPD, to bring out the patient safety scenario in our country.


Happy Reading !

Pooja Khaitan


(We welcome your valuable suggestions and news articles. Please feel free to write to me at pooja@jagograhakjago.com )
To register a complaint kindly visit our consumer redressal website jagograhakjago.com . We shall be delighted to help you.

Dose Of The Day

Mr. S. KrishnanPatient Safety Scenario in India

--Mr. S. Krishnan, IAAS(Retired)
Chairman, Healthy You Foundation

Patient Safety has become a global concern and since the time PSM India initiated the need for adopting a robust tracing and tracking mechanism to empower the consumers to detect spurious and not of standards medicines in the supply chain, the policy makers and the enforcement agencies have acknowledged the need to fast track the solution to the concern.


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National Injections
Patient helpline number to be established by IPC and Dept. of Consumer Affairs
MUMBAI : The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) may soon ink a pact with the department of consumer affairs to establish a patient centric helpline number for the general public to enable reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) directly. Through this initiative, IPC hopes to ensure timely reporting of ADRs from the patients across the country by providing them a platform that will directly involve them in the Pharmacovigilence Programme of India (PvPI).
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Hospitals probed in kidney racket
BANGALORE : The Ramanagara Police, on Saturday, named Columbia Asia, Manipal, Apollo, and Victoria Hospital, among others, in connection with the kidney transplant racket.
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Barcoding of drug packages kicks in

HYDERABAD : Ignoring repeated calls from the pharma industry to push back the date for implementation of bar coding on secondary packaging of formulations, the government went ahead with the implementation of the new regulation, which makes it mandatory for all formulations packages headed for exports to sport bar coding, from January 1 this year .

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Fake medicines at sale

It is matter of great shame that the WHO has listed Pakistan among the countries where fake or sub-standard medicines are sold in the open market. Its estimate of such drugs is between 30 and 40 percent in Pakistan, posing a serious threat to human health. These spurious drugs, the WHO says, are produced in factories located in Lahore, Karachi, Multan and Rawalpindi, all major towns. It was reported recently that in some government hospitals expired medicines were being given to patients putting their lives at risk.

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India rejects claims it exported fake medicine to Africa

India has denied claims that it has exported large quantities of counterfeit medication to Africa, after the Guardian published a front-page exposé on the phenomenon. "No fake medicines have been sent from India to the continent of Africa," a spokesman for the ministry of external affairs in Delhi said.

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Partnership For Safe Medicines Announces Groundbreaking China Initiative

BEIJING AND WASHINGTON D.C. : The Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM), the leading advocacy organization dedicated to fighting the global threat posed by counterfeit drugs, today announced its latest international collaboration with the launch of PSM China. Today’s launch event in Beijing was attended by stakeholders from the government, advocacy community and industry, and underscores the important role that public-private partnerships play in educating consumers and helping to keep them safe from dangerous and deadly counterfeit medicines.

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Community Pharmacist slowly transforming from a Trader to a Professional
SubscriberInterview by Ms. Manjiri Gharat , Vice President, Chairperson, Indian Pharmaceutical Association- Community Pharmacy Division (IPA, CPD)

“Indian Pharmacists are hard working and they work for more than 12 hours , catering to the medicinal needs of the society , day and night,” said Ms. Gharat .
For a detailed interview please click here (Please go to page 71)

© 2011 Partnership for Safe Medicines India E-15/A, first floor, East of Kailash, New Delhi -110065
jagograhakjago.com; jagograhakjago.com; jagograhakjago.com Disclaimer : Our newsletter endeavors to compile patient safety information from various sources .PSM India may not be held responsible for any article published in PSM NEWZ .