The Prescription: 17th February 2016 Issue
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Pooja Khaitan

Welcome to yet another fresh edition of The Prescription!

The alarming rise of the Zika Virus across the globe has created quite a stir and has become a cause of serious concern. Mosquito-borne diseases have turned out probably the greatest threat to the health of the human race. The prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya, elephantiasis, Rift Valley fever, yellow fever, wasn't enough that we now have another virulent attack of the Zika virus. This virus is spread by the Aedes Aegypti species of mosquitoes that are abundant in India. Though till now there has been no news of Indians being affected, but still the fear prevails and in the coming days we hope to see an antidote being invented. This edition is dedicated to the Zika virus. Read on to know more on this virus, including it's preventive measures. Read More>>>

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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“We are committed to promote the use of traditional medicine in our Public Health System through regulation of research and appropriate integration of quality products, practices, and practitioners into the health system. Young entrepreneurs who are planning a start-up could find a lot of opportunities in holistic healthcare”.

Shri. Narendra Modi
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

PSM India Capsules
Doctors duty more personified, no more perks allowed

Very recently, there has been news that the Medical Council of India has prepared standard operating guidelines for Doctors with the motive of curbing Doctors from taking freebies from pharma firms .
MCI declared that Doctors accepting freebies such as gifts and foreign jaunts from pharmaceutical companies will now be punished based on the value of gifts received. The punishment will range from a censure for gifts of up to Rs 5,000 to deletion of the errant doctor’s name from the state or national medical register for a period of one year or more.

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Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Shri J P Nadda launches National Deworming Initiative; to benefit more than 27 crore children February 2016:Shri J P Nadda, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare launched the National Deworming Day at a function in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion he said, “We will make sure that we do everything that it takes to assure that no child suffers of a cause that can be prevented”.  Read More
New regulatory body to check fake Ayush products soon Bengaluru, Feb 2016: Free run of companies and educational institutions dealing with Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathic (AYUSH) medicines will end soon. A new independent regulatory body will start functioning from February to regulate and standardize Ayush products and related degree courses on the lines of the Central Drug Controller for modern scientific medicines.Read More
Maharashtra FDA to issue AADHAR linked e-signed licenses for medicines first time in IndiaMumbai, Jan 2016: In line with the Maharashtra government's e-governance policy and Government of India's Digital India Programme, Maharashtra Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will now start issuing all the sale licenses for medicines through an online application software with e-signature which has organic authentication on AADHAR from UIDAI server. Such licenses will also have unique TPAV number which can be verified at URL: Read More
Health cards with history of disease and treatment for all Feb 2016 : The Delhi Government is planning to issue health cards to all citizens. This, they claim, will ensure easy availability of disease history, ongoing treatment and prescription details. Tenders have already been issued for selection of the private concessionaire who will execute the work. Read More
ASPA draws anti-counterfeiting strategies for pharmaceuticalsMumbai, Feb 2016: Taking serious note of counterfeiting challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry in the country, Nityanand S Sinai, Governing body member of Authentication Solution Providers' Association (ASPA) has stressed on four-point strategies which pharmaceuticals need to adopt to succeed in fighting this menace. Read More
Pharma Injections
Phenytoin may be helpful for MS patientsFeb 2016: Phenytoin, an anti-epileptic drug has been shown to be helpful in prevention of nerve damage, particularly optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, according to study by the University College London claim Read More
X-rays, nanoparticles can kill cancer Feb-2016: Nanoparticles used in combination with X-rays are a viable method for killing cancer cells deep within the living body,a new study has found. The findings by researchers from the Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP) in Australia are based on the successful quantification of singlet oxygen produced during photodynamic therapy for cancer. Read More
Hyderabad: Bharat Biotech gets breakthrough in developing Zika vaccine Hyderabad, Feb 2016: Bharat Biotech, a city-based vaccines and bio-therapeutic manufacturer, today claimed to have achieved a breakthrough in developing a vaccine to fight the dreaded mosquito-borne Zika virus, which causes serious birth defects in children. Read More
Drug Dopes
FDA approves Orally-Disintegrating Tablet for ADHD in Children Feb 2016: The FDA has approved an extended-release, orally-disintegrating tablet, Adzenys XR-ODT, for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children ages 6 and up, as well as in adults. Read More
Alchem introduces third generation phytomedicine, PhytoRelief-CC to treat cough, cold & flu Mumbai ,Feb 2016: Alchem International, a pioneer in the field of phytochemicals – the science of discovering and using plant molecules for medicinal purpose, launched the third generation phytomedicine called PhytoRelief-CC to combat symptoms of cough, cold and flu. PhytoRelief-CC comes in the form of chewable sugar-free lozenges which contain concentrated and purified molecular extracts of turmeric (haridra), ginger (zingiber officinale), and pomegranate (dantabija). The synergistic effect of these nature-derived ingredients offers a host of benefits to quickly and naturally cure symptoms of cough, cold and flu. Read More
National Injections
Cancer drug syndicate operating in Patna city Patna, Feb 2016: Even as the world observed Cancer Day on Thursday, the state health department is grappling with an alleged 'cancer drug syndicate' being operated in the state capital. Acting on a probe report submitted by a drug inspector (DI) on January 15, 2016, the health department formed a panel to further probe the matter. The panel comprised IGIMS director N K Biswas and a joint secretary-level officer of the state health department. However, the report is yet to see the light of the day even as the panel was supposed to submit its report by January 25. Read More
Taskforce finds lapses in 'made in India' medicines New Delhi, Jan 2016: The task force formed by the Indian government to probe the string of allegations on drugs manufactured in India has found lapses in quality of domestic medicines. The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) had set up the task force on development of manufacturing capabilities in pharmaceutical production in December 2014. Read More
Health Ministry issues guidelines on Zika Virus Disease Feb 2016:The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued guidelines on the Zika virus disease. The text of the guidelines is as follows.
Background : Zika virus disease is an emerging viral disease transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. This is the same mosquito that is known to transmit infections like dengue and chikungunya. Zika virus was first identified in Uganda in 1947.
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Maharashtra government to table anti-spitting bill in Budget session Feb, 2016, Mumbai: Concerned over the sharp rise in infectious disease like tuberculosis, Maharashtra government will introduce a bill banning spitting in public places in the upcoming state Legislature Budget session scheduled next month. Read More
Tobacco induced cancer on the rise Feb 2016: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), not so surprisingly, indicates that 50% of all cancers among men is caused to due to smoking or chewing tobacco. Read More
Battling doctor shortage, Indian hospitals offer intensive care from afar New Delhi, Feb 2016 : A doctor at a hospital in India's capital, New Delhi, was recently tracking a wall of monitors displaying the vital signs of intensive care patients admitted hundreds of miles away when red-and-yellow alerts rang out. Read More
Global Injections
Scientists in US university use Hepatitis virus shell for cancer treatment Feb 2016 : Scientists at a US university have found a way to use an empty shell of a Hepatitis E virus to carry anti-cancer vaccines or drugs into the body. Read More
Zika-linked microcephaly cases rising in Brazil The suspected and confirmed cases of new-borns with abnormally small heads linked to the Zika virus in Brazil had increased to 4,074 as of Jan. 30 from 3,718 a week earlier, the Brazilian Health Ministry said on Tuesday. Read More

PEG used as anti-counterfeit marker in PharmaResearchers in Germany have developed an on-dose marker technology based on polyethylene glycols (PEGs), a commonly used pharma excipient. The team describes a technique in which they incorporated combinations of PEGs within the coating of tablets to create a unique code that can be used to authenticate the dose using a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. "Several batches of these PEGs, each batch being monodisperse with respect to its molecular weight, served as the basis for coding, and specific codes were 'written' into the coating of the drug product itself," write the researchers in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (February 2016).Read More

Hawaii's Big Island declares emergency over dengue fever infectionsFeb 2016: The Mayor of Hawaii's Big Island declared a state of emergency on Monday to deal with a growing outbreak of dengue fever, spread by infected mosquitoes, with 250 cases confirmed over the past four months.Read More


Florida Businessman Pleads Guilty To Selling Fake & Misbranded Drugs

February 03, 2016: Robert Lohr sold the fakes via a fake pharmacy known as either “American Drug Club of Bradenton” or “Canadian American Drug Club.” Lohr made over $1 million selling his counterfeit medication to unsuspecting patients.

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Death in LA County highlights the dangers of Counterfeit Medication

February, 2016: LA County officials warn public about the toxic threat that fake medications pose, and share a tragic story about a woman whose efforts to save money by using non-FDA approved treatments led to her death.

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Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What are cosmeceuticals?
Answer: Cosmeceuticals refers to the combination of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.. A cosmeceutical is essentially a skincare product that contains a biologically active compound that is thought to have pharmaceutical effects on the skin. For example, vitamin C is a known antioxidant and when this is added to a lotion or cream the product is considered a cosmeceutical. Sunscreens, moisturizers , Hair-cleansers with anti-oxidants, botanical and marine extracts, vitamins, or peptides or pharmaceutical ingredients are some well known cosmeceuticals. Read More>>>

Q2. What Naturopathy means?
Answer: Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine employing a wide array of "natural" modalities, including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, as well as diet (nutrition) and lifestyle counseling. Naturopaths favor a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoid the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopathic medicine contains many pseudoscientific concepts and is considered ineffective and can be harmful, which raises ethical issues. Naturopaths have repeatedly been accused of being charlatans and practicing quackery The term "naturopathy" was created from "natura" (Latin root for birth) and "pathos" (the Greek root for suffering) to suggest "natural healing". Naturopathic practice is based on a belief in the body's ability to heal itself through a special vital energy or force guiding bodily processes internally. Diagnosis and treatment concern primarily alternative therapies and "natural" methods that naturopaths claim promote the body's natural ability to heal. Naturopaths focus on a holistic approach, often completely avoiding the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopaths aim to prevent illness through stress reduction and changes to diet and lifestyle, often rejecting the methods of evidence-based medicine. In India, naturopathy is overseen by the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH).

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Dr. Chandrima, Physician comments : In changing world of diseases, we need to remain updated with latest news. Thanks PSM India for helping us through your interesting newsletter!
Dr. KranJeet Singh blogs : Very Good initiative ! Would be delighted to be of any help to you.
Akash Verma, Medico professional Tweets: Thanks to PSM India for joining the mission of improving health of Indian citizens through proper education and awareness!
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