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There has been much conversation in all circles on the GST Bill. In this issue of The Prescription we highlight some points on the recently passed Goods and Services Tax Bill (GST) and how it will impact the pharmaceutical sector of India. World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1- 7 August to create awareness about the benefits and practice of Breastfeeding in order to improve the health of babies around the world. Both these are the articles to watch out for in the PSM India Capsule section. PSM India appreciates the efforts and truly supports the nationwide "MAA-Mother's Absolute Affection" Programme of the central government aimed at promoting the practice among mothers. We request all our readers to be a part of it. Read more about it in this issue. Read More>>>
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Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !
Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor ,
Partnership for Safe Medicines India.
“Breastfeeding is the most natural and cost effective intervention and should be promoted at all levels. This is an enormous resource that every child has access to. It is our job and our privilege to promote the world’s most effective investment for human development.”
J P Nadda
Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare
PSM India Capsules
GST: How will it impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
The Indian pharmaceutical industry, with a domestic turnover of over $15 billion, has been witnessing high growth over the past decade. But it is facing problems like cumbersome taxation, heavy competition and increasing price controls. The goods and services tax (GST), India’s biggest indirect tax reform, is expected to be beneficial for Indian drug makers in the medium to long run as it aims to simplify tax structure and bring operational efficiency. However, concerns about drug prices, exemptions and compliance still remain. The long awaited Goods and Services tax (GST) Bill has been passed by both houses of India. There will be significant improvement in Indian Pharmaceutical industry's supply chain efficiency as well as a decline in manufacturing cost of Pharmaceutical products. As far as the health care and pharma industry is concerned, it is expected that the new GST legislation would benefit the consumers by making affordable health care a reality.

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is an annual celebration of the role of breastfeeding in our homes, our communities, and the world. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated globally every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. The World Breastfeeding Week 2016 theme is on raising awareness of the links between breastfeeding and the Sustainable Development Goals. By recognizing that breastfeeding is a key to sustainable development, we will value our wellbeing from the start of life, respect each other and care for the world we share. As a part of the theme, Breastfeeding: A Key to Sustainable Development, PSM India is taking huge steps towards creating awareness about the best practices around breastfeeding. It’s a life saver for infants and safeguards them from malnutrition.
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
Industry welcomes CDSCO circular on investigators/sitesMumbai, August 2016: CDSCO released two circulars by the DCGI regarding the conduct of clinical trials in India. As per the revised rules, the cap on the number of trials an investigator can undertake at any point in time has been removed and the Ethics Committees have been empowered to decide on how many trials an investigator can undertake after examining the risk and complexity involved in the trials being conducted. The cap on a minimum number of 50 beds for a clinical trial site has also been revised with the Ethics Committees now being vested with the responsibility of examining and deciding whether a clinical trial site is suitable for a trial or not, irrespective of the number of beds.
Punjab government reconstitutes anti-drug panel Mohali, August 2016: Punjab government has reconstituted a state-level drugs advisory committee to suggest ways and means to curb the drug abuse in the state. The 10-member panel, headed by commissioner of food and drug administration (Punjab) as its chairman, has been constituted by Principal Secretary (health and family welfare) Vini Mahajan, officials said.
Health Minister launches MAA programme to promote breastfeedingNew Delhi, August 2016: What was natural has been made unnatural by market forces, Union Health Minister J P Nadda today said as he launched nationwide breast feeding programme "MAA-Mother's Absolute Affection" aimed at promoting the practice among mothers.
NPPA revises ceiling prices of 24 scheduled drugs and retail prices of 31 formulationsMumbai, August 2016: The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has fixed/revised ceiling prices of 24 scheduled formulations of Schedule-I under Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order, 2016 and retail price of 31 formulations under DPCO, 2013 through a notification dated July 29, 2016.
Pharma Injections
Tata Trusts and Gilead collaborates to address hepatitis burdenMumbai, August 2016: Will form a Joint Program Committee to implement prevention, awareness and education, testing and treatment, and health systems strengthening activities. Tata Trusts and Gilead Sciences have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under the presence of Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Trusts to explore collaborating within India on an initiative to address the burden of viral hepatitis in the country.
Fidgeting While Sitting May Be Good For Your HeartNEW YORK, AUGUST 2016: Fidgeting while sitting can protect the arteries in legs and may help prevent cardiovascular disease, a new study has found. "Many of us sit for hours at a time, whether it is binge watching our favorite TV show or working at a computer," said Jaumme Padilla from University of Missouri in the US.
Protein Key to Combating Lung Cancer Identified SINGAPORE, AUGUST 2016: Medical researchers have found that inhibiting a protein called BMI1 could impair tumour growth in lung cancer. Reducing the levels of BMI1 by genetic means, or by using a drug reducing expression of BMI1, led to inhibition of tumour formation, the findings showed.
Drug Dopes
Updated LIST OF NEW DRUGS APPROVED FROM 01-01-2016 TILL DATE BY NEW DRUGS DIVISION, CDSCO, FDA Bhawan, New Delhi List of New Drug Approved by FDA
Sun Pharma Gets US Regulator's Nod for Generic Diabetes Treatment Drug New Delhi, August 2016: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries has received a final nod from the US health regulator for its generic Metformin Hydrochloride extended release tablets used for treatment of diabetes, and plans to launch them in next few weeks in the American market.
FDA Approves First Generic Version of Widely Used Influenza Drug Tamiflu August 2016: On August 3, 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first generic version of Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate), a widely used medication for the treatment of the flu (influenza A and B) in patients two weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 48 hours; and prevention of the flu in patients one year of age and older. Tamiflu was approved in 1999.
Study finds toxins in toothpastes New Delhi, August 2016: Triclosan, a chemical having endocrine properties has been in use in various products including personal care, health care, sports items and household items. The varied applications of Triclosan are attributed to its anti-bacterial properties and hence, can also be used as a preservative. It is commonly used in hand washes, soaps, dish washing soaps, cosmetics, shampoos, deodorants, mouthwashes and toothpastes.
Lupin to Buy 21 Branded Drugs from Japan's Shionogi Mumbai, August 2016: Indian drugmaker Lupin Ltd said it had agreed to buy a portfolio of 21 drugs from Japan's Shionogi & Co Ltd for 15.4 billion yen ($150 million), expanding its presence in its third-largest market.
Novel Asthma Pill May Reduce Symptoms in Severe Sufferers LONDON, AUGUST 2016: Researchers have, for the first time in 20 years, developed a new asthma pill which has the potential to reduce symptoms in individuals with a severe form of the lung disease.
National Injections
Kandivli pharma firm in FDA net for exporting ‘untested’ drugs MUMBAI, AUGUST 2016: The state Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has blown the lid off a Kandivli-based pharmaceutical company that was allegedly rebranding and exporting drugs, originally manufactured by a Gujarat firm.
Haryana Woman Alleges Hospital Replaced Her Male Child with Female; Minister Orders Probe AMBALA, AUGUST 2016: A woman alleged that her newly-born baby boy was replaced with a girl by a government hospital staff following which Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij directed the authorities to conduct a DNA test of both the woman and her baby.
AP government to lay foundation stone for India's first medical device manufacturing park Hyderabad, August 2016: The government of Andhra Pradesh (AP) is all set to lay the foundation stone to India’s first medical device manufacturing park, Andhra Pradesh Medical Technology Zone (APMTZ) on August 19 at Nadupur village of Pedda Gantyada Mandal in Vishakhapatnam. The Andhra Pradesh government had earlier signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AIMED) to set up India’s first medical device manufacturing park. 
3.5kg fetus removed from one-year-old girl in Tamil Nadu COIMBATORE, AUGUST 2016: A rare case of fetus-in-fetu was detected in a one-year-old child in Tamil Nadu. The child had a malformed 3.5kg fetus inside her stomach, which was feeding off her blood supply and nutrition and suppressing her organs. The fetus was removed from the child's abdomen through a surgery at a private hospital in Mettupalayam on Saturday evening. 
Global Injections
Scientists unlock genetic code controlling limb regeneration August 2016: Many lower organisms retain the miraculous ability to regenerate form and function of almost any tissue after injury.
Genetically modified mosquitoes approved to battle Zika in Florida Keys Florida, August 2016: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved genetically modified mosquitoes as part of a trial to control the Zika outbreak in the Florida Keys.
Our nose holds antibiotic to fight 'superbugs'Berlin, August 2016: A bacteria which colonizes the human nose produces a previously unknown antibiotic that may combat multi-resistant pathogens such as MRSA. 
Novel 4D technology may aid treatment for lung diseaseAugust 2016: Researchers have developed a four-dimensional lung scanning technology that has the potential to transform treatment for millions of people with respiratory problems.
Our Biological Clock Can Regulate Inflammatory ArthritisLONDON, AUGUST 2016: Researchers have found that a protein created by the body's "biological clock" regulates inflammatory arthritis, explaining why the human body is often found to be stiff in the morning hours.
Zika vaccines give complete protection against virus in monkeysAUGUST 2016: Making a step closer to developing a safe and effective vaccine against Zika virus, a team of researchers claimed positive results in the latest study in monkeys.
NABP release new report finds 10,823 fake online pharmacies according to latest findings

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy also examines the role that fake online pharmacies are playing in distributing counterfeit pain pills laced with fentanyl.
DEA considers fentanyl-containing counterfeit medications a global threat
As counterfeit pills containing various fentanyl analogues are killing people all over the United States, the DEA takes a measure of this deadly and growing counterfeit drug epidemic.
Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is Diastolic Dysfunction?
Answer: There are two parts to the pumping action of the heart. The first part is called diastole, when blood collects in the lower heart chambers (right and left ventricles) as it is pushed through the tricuspid and mitral valves. Once the ventricles are filled with blood, the second part of the pumping action begins. The ventricles contract and blood is pushed from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery and from the left ventricle into the aortic valves. This part is called systole. Read More>>>
Q2. Symptoms and causes of diastolic dysfunction
Answer: Diastolic dysfunction itself often does not cause any symptoms. However, if the problem progresses to the point that it starts to affect other organs and body parts, diastolic heart failure is diagnosed. In those situations common symptoms include:
Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Initially, this may only occur when exercising, but as the illness progresses, breathing can become problematic during any activity, including resting or lying down.
Unusual weight gain or swelling (edema) in the ankles, legs and abdomen.
Irregular or rapid heartbeat.
Remarkable health benefits from nature; such as plant tannins
Article contributed by one of our Subscriber: Ms. Shahina Selji, Kochi
Tannins are a broad class of compounds that is present in tea, red wine, cocoa, chocolates, coffee, some herbal preparations, grapes and certain fruits like blackberries and cranberries. The properties of plant tannins are well remarkable, but not completely understood. The tannin compounds that are present in some plants, provides them protection against predation. This also makes them to act as pesticides and to regulate the growth of plants. Tannins also have the ability to trap some minerals, including iron- especially the iron in plant foods.
Blog Addicts
Dr. Kaushal Kishore tweets: Kudos to PSM-India for making us very much aware of the consequences of spurious medicines!
Ms. Priya Rai, Academician blogs:Patients need to become aware and fight for their rights in every cases of negligence and misbehavior. PSM India has already shown the path and we should strive to follow it!
Dr. Neha Jaiswal, Physician says:
Thanks PSM India for all such recent news articles! It help us to stay informative and updated.
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