Kerala Health Minister KK Shylaja Orders Probe Into Flawed Blood Test At Medical College Hospital

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, 21 MAY 2018: Health Minister K K Shylaja has ordered an inquiry into the incident in which a laboratory operated by the Kerala Health Research and Welfare Society at the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital allegedly provided a flawed blood test result.


While directing the Kerala Health Research and Welfare Society director to inquire about the flawed blood test incident and to submit a report, the Health Minister also said the complaints regarding qualification of staff being appointed at the Advanced Clinical and Research Lab will also be inquired.


“It is expected the operation of a lab will have to be carried out with utmost alertness and quality as the result provided by them is very much connected to a patient’s well-being. Thus, such incident like the one that happened at the Advanced Clinical and Research Lab at the Medical College Hospital is unacceptable,” said Shylaja. The New Indian Express