14th ASICON concludes on a positive note to energize, empathize and equalize to end AIDS by 2030
Mumbai, March 21, 2023 :
There is a need to recognize and address the inequalities which are holding back progress in ending AIDS, and to equalize access to essential full cascade of HIV care services, particularly for key and vulnerable populations, experts deliberated at the14th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON), which started from March 17, 2023 in New Delhi and concluded on March 19, 2023 under the theme “Energize, Empathize, Equalize” in New Delhi.
They also discussed that TB, a disease of poverty and inequality, is a leading cause of severe illness and death among people with HIV. TB is preventable and curable and people with HIV who do not receive appropriate prevention and care are at much higher risk of developing and dying from TB.
“The Blunting of an Epidemic: A courageous war on AIDS” book was also released at the event in New Delhi. The book, authored by Jayashree Shetty and Gopal Shetty, was released at ASICON 2023 by Dr Anoop Kumar Puri, Deputy Director General (DDG) of National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), UNAIDS India head Dr Bridger, and WHO regional head of infectious diseases Dr PoLin Chan. It chronicles 37 years long fierce and tireless journey of Dr Ishwar Gilada who had established India’s first HIV clinic in government-run JJ Hospital in Mumbai when the first case had got diagnosed in the country.
On the occasion Dr Gilada said, “Many of those who die from HIV-related TB are the most vulnerable populations who are not reached by timely health services, including services to address comorbidities such as undernutrition, mental health disorders and substance use disorders.”
According to WHO Global TB Report, over 54000 people living with HIV in India also developed active TB disease in 2021, out of which 11,000 died. “No one should die of HIV or TB. More importantly we have the scientifically proven tools and approaches to prevent, and treat and manage TB in people living with HIV,” said Dr Gilada.
Four distinguished HIV medical experts and scientists were conferred the ASI Lifetime Achievement Awards. Dr Prakash Bora, Mumbai; Dr Rajiv Jerajani, Mumbai; Dr Savita Pahwa, USA. Close the gap Dr Glory Alexander, vice president of ASI and co-Chair of 14th ASICON, has earlier received the coveted Dr BC Roy Award and heads ASHA Foundation in Bengaluru.
Dr Glory Alexander said, “Achieving the 95-95-95 targets is crucial to help end the AIDS epidemic. But even after 40 years into the epidemic, more than 20% of people with HIV still do not know their HIV status. We will have to use innovative approaches to close this gap. And one of these approaches is by self-testing for HIV - people who perceive themselves at risk of HIV infection (persons from key populations, men, young people among others) are given the opportunity to self-test for the infection so that they can test in the privacy of their homes. This has received a very big YES from the key populations in the Asia Pacific region. We call upon the government of India to take it up and develop a strategic framework for HIV Self Test (HIVST) to make self-testing for HIV an integral part of HIV services.”
“Prevention of mother to child transmission is another important gap. We know that 90% of the children below 15 who are HIV positive got the infection through vertical transmission (from mother to child). If we eliminate this vertical transmission, we will eliminate paediatric HIV in our country. But it is no easy task. Hidden among the 27 million women who get pregnant every year in India, there are about 27,500 women who are HIV positive. These women have to be traced, diagnosed and put on treatment to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby born to them to less than 1% from the current 45%” said Dr Glory Alexander.
Dr N Kumaraswamy, secretary general of ASI and Scientific Co-Chair of 14th ASICON, is also the Chief and Director of Infectious Diseases Medical Centre at Voluntary Health Services (VHS) Hospital in Chennai, India. He said: “14th ASICON covered a variety of topics related to HIV and other emerging infectious diseases. One can learn what is new in the HIV field by way of newer treatment modalities, various types of biomedical prevention tools, as well as the impact of different co- morbidities faced by people living with HIV.”
Dr Anoop Kumar Puri, deputy director general of National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Government of India; Dr David Bridger, country director, UNAIDS India; Dr Po-Lin Chan, head of communication diseases at the World Health Organization (WHO) for Southeast Asian region; Dr Ishwar Gilada, president of 14th ASICON and AIDS Society of India (ASI); Dr N Kumarasamy, secretary general, ASI; Dr Dilip Mathai, president-elect, ASI; Dr Glory Alexander, Vice President, ASI; Dr Ruby Bansal, organizing secretary of 14th ASICON; Dr Atul Gogia, co-chair of 14th ASICON; were among the key dignitaries of the event. Pharmabiz