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It gives me great pleasure in presenting a new look to our newsletter. It shall now be known as THE PRESCRIPTION ….your guide to Safe Medicines!
As I complete 3 years as the Chief Editor, I feel delighted seeing the reader base we have today. I remember the day we started with only 200 names on our mailing list . With every newsletter our subscribers increased. This was an assurance that we were on the right track. The readership and subscribers were the driving force behind churning out newsletters every fortnight and today we have the support of 5000+ subscribers.

If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please email me at You may find our previous issues on our website or in the NEWS ARCHIVE section of every PSM NEWZ issue , in case you’ve missed any of them. You may also look us up on Facebook under Partnership for Safe Medicines india .

"Call PSM India toll free helpline 1800 - 11- 4424, to bring cases of spurious medicines or any kind of adverse drug reaction to the notice of the authorities. Please visit our website if you wish to learn about us . To register a complaint kindly visit our consumer redressal website

Happy Reading !
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy !

Pooja Khaitan
Chief Editor , The PRESCRIPTION Partnership for Safe Medicines India.


“Strengthening routine immunization is an essential investment in India’s children and will ensure a healthy future of the country”

Shri Narendra Modi
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

PSM India Capsules
PSM INDIA BOARD meets Hon’ble Union Health minister Dr.HARSH VARDHAN
A delegation led by Mr. Wajahat Habibullah, Chairman of Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) India and its Founder Bejon Misra along with other Board Members called on the Hon'ble Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan on 4th July 2014 at 2pm to stress the need for Patient Safety and Quality Medicines in the healthcare delivery system and access to Universal Health Coverage in India. The delegation consisted of Mr. S. Krishnan, Mrs. Bina Jain, Dr. Rashmi Kulshreshtra, Mr. Anil Khaitan, Mr. Sundeep Kumar and Mr. Pyush Misra. Hon'ble Minister assured the delegation that Government will extend full support to ensure accessibility, safety, quality and affordability to patients and will be a strong partner to PSM India. The delegation also requested the Minister to impress upon the Cabinet to increase budget allocation to healthcare on a year to year basis and make it 5% of the GDP by 2019. Read More
National Injections
Drug with "For Animal Treatment" label injected to patients in Rajasthan JODHPUR, July 2014: As many as 300 patients in a government hospital here have been administered antibiotic injections with vials carrying "For Animal Treatment Only" label, prompting authorities to order a probe into the matter. Deepak Verma, the administrative head of the Mathura Das Mathur Hospital, where the patients were administered Meropenem antibiotic, said this could be a case of wrong labelling.
MNCs found selling medicines directly to patients in collusion with physicians MUMBAI, July 2014: A racket involving some prominent multinational companies bypassing the wholesalers and retail chemists and selling drugs directly to the physicians and patients by using the medical representatives in cities like Mumbai and Pune has been detected. Informed sources said that these companies identify reputed physicians treating lifestyle diseases and collect data of patients spending heavily on medicines for these diseases. Medical representatives of the companies then contact these high spending patients and supply medicines directly to them.
MSPC identifies 1400 bogus doctors during inspections, refer for action to district vigilance committee MUMBAI, July 2014: Against the backdrop of several instances of violations of the Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act, 1961, a Gadchiroli based bogus doctor has recently been convicted for violating Section 33 of the act. The quack has been sentenced to two years imprisonment with a fine of Rs.5000 in contravention to the provisions of the law. Section 33 of Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act prohibits medical practice by unregistered people.
Karnataka drugs control seizes 28 not of standard quality drugs, issues warning to companies BENGALURU, July 2014: Karnataka drugs control department has now has recovered 28 not-of-standard quality drugs after it conducted a surprise inspection at various pharmacy trade outlets. The department has swooped down on concerned companies which have manufactured these drugs. The inspections were conducted last fortnight. The companies which are spread across the country are Beloobayir Biotech in Tumkur district..
Drug Laws & Policy Injections
AIDCOC wants government to set up intelligence branch at Central & state level to address spurious drugs issue MUMBAI ,July, 2014: With a view to strengthen the drug regulatory system in the country, the All India Drugs Control Officers' Confederation (AIDCOC) has proposed to the centre to set up an intelligence branch at Central and state level to help tackle the issue of spurious drugs. The Confederation stressed that considering the threat and heath hazards spurious or counterfeit drugs pose to the pubic, it is high time for the Centre to focus on developing a dedicated intelligence network efficiently trained to check on this clandestine activity. Read More
CDSCO issues guidelines on pharmacovigilance requirements for biological products July, 2014: The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has issued guidelines on pharmacovigilance requirements for biological products. These guidelines are intended for the guidance of the Market Authorisation Holders (MAHs) i.e. manufacturers and importers of biological products. The procedure set out to facilitate the industry to submit the documents as per the requirements of Drugs & Cosmetics Act and Rules.
India, US to begin bilateral collaborative research partnerships on diabetes MUMBAI ,July, 2014: Both India and the US will soon begin bilateral collaborative research partnerships (CRPs) on diabetes research to advance science and technology important to understanding, preventing, and treating diabetes and its complications through the collaborative efforts of Indian and US investigators and their institutions. The collaboration of India and the US on diabetes is significant as in both the nations, diabetes is striking increasingly in younger age groups, with potentially devastating implications for the health, well-being, and productivity of future generations.
Pharma Injections
Health ministry plans to give 50 essential medicines free NEW DELHI, July, 2014 : After recently prescribing the need for 'bitter medicine' to resuscitate the ailing economy, the Narendra Modi government is, seemingly, working on contours of a social welfare healthcare project to sweeten the deal for the citizenry. For starters, the health ministry's vision is to provide 50 essential generic medicines, free of cost, from "birth to death" to all Indians across the nation.
PM: Government will ensure that benefits of vaccination reach all sections of the society JULY, 2014: The Prime Minister said “The introduction of four new lifesaving vaccines, will play a key role in reducing the childhood and infant mortality. The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today announced the decision of the Government of India to introduce four new vaccines as part of India’s Universal Immunization Programme (UIP). Vaccines against rotavirus, rubella and polio (injectable) will collectively expedite India’s progress on meeting the Millennium Development Goal 4 targets to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015 and meet global polio eradication targets.
Global Injections
Ebola's Surge Requires 'Drastic Action' To Stop July, 2014: The World Health Organization is "gravely concerned" about the "potential international spread" of Ebola beyond the outbreak in West Africa, the agency's regional office said Thursday. "This is no longer a country specific outbreak but a sub-regional crisis," it added. With nearly 400 deaths and more than 600 cases so far, the Ebola outbreak is the deadliest and largest....
Health authorities seize counterfeit medicines in Santiago SANTO DOMINGO, July 2014 : Health authorities and police agents seized counterfeit medicines in a warehouse in Santiago de los Caballeros (northwestern), the second largest city in the Dominican Republic. According to the report, the counterfeit medicines are valued at millions of dollars. The police also announced the arrest of a person in the raid.
FDA outlines expectations for human drug compounders, including registered outsourcing facilitiesJuly, 2014: Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued several policy documents regarding compounded drug products for human use, as part of the agency’s continuing effort to implement the compounding provisions of the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), enacted in November 2013.
Upcoming Events
Pharma Project Management, 28 – 29 July, 2014 Mumbai, India
Click Here to know more
Click Here For More Events
PSM's 5th annual conference will be held onSeptember 18, 2014 at the KnightConference Center at The Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Av., NW, Washington, D.C. Each year, the PSM Interchange brings together policymakers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, patient advocates, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and anti-counterfeiting companies to discuss the problem and solutions to the global scourge of pharmaceutical counterfeiting. Tickets on sale
Frequently Asked Questions Q.1 WHAT ARE PAINKILLERS ?
Answer: Painkillers are medicines that are used to treat pain. There are a large number of painkillers available in the market and they all have their different pharmacological action. Such medicines should be taken for the shortest period of time and the lowest dose as they pose various side effects and amongst them gastrointestinal, liver and cardiovascular problem are some major ones.Q.2. CAN WE TAKE PAINKILLERS WITHOUT A PRECRIPTION ?
Answer: A gentle advice from PSM India desk is that always try to take painkillers under proper assistance from physician/doctor. The type of painkiller your doctor will prescribe shall depend upon the type of pain you have, any other health problems you may have, how severe your pain is, and the possible side-effects of the medicines.
Laughter Dose
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Disclaimer : Our newsletter endeavors to compile patient safety information from various sources . PSM India may not be held responsible for any article published in PSM NEWZ .